New Member
1) I woke up this morning to an Empty G-Mail box on my Droid... thought it was weird so I checked my computer, and whatya kno... i have a bunch of e-mails that didn't get put thru to my phone!!!! I tried refreshing, still nothing... anyone have any ideas?
2) In trying to turn off Auto-Correct/Text for some reason it doesn't apply to my SMS Messaging....... Some people tried saying go to Menu->settings->text and locale, but I do not see a "text and locale" ..... weird... i just cant stand being corrected when typing SMS thru Messaging. Also, is there an option to split texts up w/in 160 characters (when sending long texts to non verizon users).. I know there was an option on Handcent, but haven't found one for 'Messaging'
Finally, the "Power Control" Widget that shows what's draining ur battery is pretty cool, but I don't know what each of those icons are... and what it means when they are turned on/off, lol... sorry for nub questions...
thanks in advance
2) In trying to turn off Auto-Correct/Text for some reason it doesn't apply to my SMS Messaging....... Some people tried saying go to Menu->settings->text and locale, but I do not see a "text and locale" ..... weird... i just cant stand being corrected when typing SMS thru Messaging. Also, is there an option to split texts up w/in 160 characters (when sending long texts to non verizon users).. I know there was an option on Handcent, but haven't found one for 'Messaging'
Finally, the "Power Control" Widget that shows what's draining ur battery is pretty cool, but I don't know what each of those icons are... and what it means when they are turned on/off, lol... sorry for nub questions...
thanks in advance