What better way to kick off the third quarter than to share the official unveiling of Nougat (http://www.droidforums.net/threads/android-nougat-unveiling-video.289817/)?
Another look at the Nokia P1 android phone (Nokia P1 Android Smartphone Press Image Leaked [Rumor]).
Droidforums.net got a redesigned look (Check Out DroidForums' New Look! Site-Style Redesigned!). Hmmm, I forgot what it looked like before.
Rumors about Google developing their own Nexus smartwatch (Google May Develop Their Own 'Nexus' Android Wear Smartwatches), which looks like that may not be the case anymore as the nexus line has been buried.
We got our first true (unofficial) look of the Note 7 posted by @DroidModderX, my was that a beast of a phone (Official Galaxy Note 7 Press Images Leak Revealing Black, Silver, and Blue Colors!).
Pokemon Go swept the nation and people lost their minds....oh and those that tried to cheat and use a modified version got infected with a nasty bug (Pokemon Go APK Infected With DroidJack Virus).
The Note 7 sticker shock was in full effect (Galaxy Note 7 Guaranteed To Break The Bank! Price Tag Confirmed!) as we saw the expected price for the phone. If that was a gut punch just wait until we see the sticker price for the next nexus (aka Pixel/Pixel XL). Hey but for the price you will get a new and improved S-Pen (New And Improved S-Pen For The Note 7!).
T-Mobile decided to jump on the Pokemon Go craze by offering unlimited data for Pokemon Go for T-Mobile subscribers (Free Unlimited Pokemon Go Data For T-Mobile Users).
A leaked 3D rendering of the Marlin gave us a visual look at the future Google device (HTC Nexus Marlin 3D Render Shown Off In Video).
We were not done with the leaked videos as we got a look at the Note 7 a day later (http://www.droidforums.net/threads/leaked-video-shows-the-galaxy-note-7-in-action.290050/).
Corning announced that a gorilla glass 5 device would make it's debut this year (http://www.droidforums.net/threads/corning-gorilla-glass-5-coming-to-devices-later-this-year.290062/). Hmmm I wonder what phone they were talking about (hint it would have a S-Pen)?
So how waterproof was those Galaxy S devices, wait there was a difference between the term waterproof and water resistant (http://www.droidforums.net/threads/...active-fails-consumer-reports-tests.289892/)?
End of July was not a good time for CM staff as they started laying off a lot of employees to refocus their objective (http://www.droidforums.net/threads/cyanogen-hit-by-big-layoffs-may-refocus-on-apps.290091/).
Verizon Acquires Yahoo for 5 billion dollars to add the search engine to it's portfolio (http://www.droidforums.net/threads/verizon-will-acquire-yahoo-for-5-billion.290115/).
The nexus 5 has reached it's end of life cycle as Google would not be updating it to Nougat (http://www.droidforums.net/threads/...ust-may-not-come-to-the-nexus-5-rumor.290195/).
We began the month of August with news that the Pixel may have fingerprint gestures (http://www.droidforums.net/threads/...e-coming-to-the-nexus-sailfish-marlin.290238/). We also got a look at some Gfxbench scores (http://www.droidforums.net/threads/...rks-pop-up-on-gfxbench-specs-detailed.290247/).
Another bad sign for HTC as T-Mobile cancelled sales of the HTC 10 (http://www.droidforums.net/threads/t-mobile-cancels-sales-of-the-htc-10.290349/).
Note 7 is official (http://www.droidforums.net/threads/...nnounced-full-specs-release-date-more.290214/) and the world was introduced to possibly the best smartphone yet.
We get word of the LG V20 which would come with Hi-Fi DAC premium audio (http://www.droidforums.net/threads/...first-ever-quad-dac-for-premium-audio.290359/).
Samsung was set to update the Note 7 with nougat 2-3 months after launch (http://www.droidforums.net/threads/nougat-coming-to-the-note-7-in-the-next-2-3-months.290360/).
8/22/16 was the official day for nougat and those with a nexus 6P, nexus 5X, and a pixel tablet got a chance to install it (http://www.droidforums.net/threads/today-8-22-16-is-nougat-day.290525/).
At the end of August we learned the marlin/sailfish was officially not nexus phones from Google (http://www.droidforums.net/threads/googles-new-nexus-phones-wont-be-nexus-phones.290645/).
Verizon rolls out with LTE-Advanced nationwide (http://www.droidforums.net/threads/...ide-are-you-seeing-the-speed-increase.290644/).
It's Pixel and Pixel XL, yup Google had officially gone in a new direction (http://www.droidforums.net/threads/the-new-google-phones-will-be-called-pixel-and-pixel-xl.290685/).
September brought us reports of Note 7 batteries catching fire. This led to recalls and bans. (http://www.droidforums.net/threads/the-note-7-has-officially-been-recalled-globally.290680/) (http://www.droidforums.net/threads/...s/why-does-the-note-7-battery-explode.290717/)
LG V20 would be the first phone shipped with nougat and would come with a removable battery (http://www.droidforums.net/threads/...id-7-0-nougat-and-a-removable-battery.290728/).
We finally get to see the rumored sticker price for the Pixel/Pixel XL and just wow (http://www.droidforums.net/threads/the-pixel-xl-is-the-most-expensive-nexus-phone-ever.290782/).
FAA requires people to turn off their Note 7s while in flight (http://www.droidforums.net/threads/...ers-to-shut-it-down-in-flight-instead.290801/) and Samsung is just trying to stop the bleeding (http://www.droidforums.net/threads/samsung-to-launch-apology-ad-over-galaxy-note-7-recall.290819/). As reports are coming out about possibly other Samsung devices catching fire (http://www.droidforums.net/threads/s7-edge-explodes-samsung-being-sued.290780/) and the toll was 26 billion and counting (http://www.droidforums.net/threads/...-market-value-since-the-note-7-recall.290804/).
But things were looking up as Samsung found the issue and rushed out replacements (http://www.droidforums.net/threads/...will-feature-green-battery-indicators.290833/) .
Google Allo is alive (http://www.droidforums.net/threads/google-allo-is-live.290931/) and it peaked our interests for all of a few days.
Yahoo hacked and 500 million passwords were stolen (http://www.droidforums.net/threads/yahoo-hacked-500-million-account-passwords-stolen.290960/).
Samsung sifts through the claims and find that many were false (http://www.droidforums.net/threads/its-no-surprise-that-26-note-7-claims-were-fraudulent.290961/). But they continue to truck along replacing half of the bad Note 7s in the field (http://www.droidforums.net/threads/...-half-of-the-defective-note-7-devices.290981/).
Andromeda peaks our interests and we can't wait for more info (http://www.droidforums.net/threads/is-google-testing-andromeda-hybrid-os-on-the-nexus-9.291027/).
Nothing better than to troll iPhone 7 users (http://www.droidforums.net/threads/...eir-iphone-7-to-reveal-headphone-jack.291011/).
We record our first show (http://www.droidforums.net/threads/droidforums-net-podcast-9-26-16.291025/) and the main topic was none other than the Note 7.
Blackberry officially throws in the towel making their own devices (http://www.droidforums.net/threads/blackberry-to-give-up-building-their-own-devices.291057/).
Quarter 3 was a challenging quarter mainly for Samsung as they hoped to try and recover from the bad publicity of the Note 7. Despite that we treated with new software from Google as well as what to expect from them a far as the Pixel/XL was concerned.