A Real 3D UI For Next Generation Of 3D Smartphones


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Premium Member
Sep 21, 2010
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The next generation of 3D seems to be destined for mobile phones, and SPB, thinks they have the right stuff. The latest release from the popular software making company is their 3D stereo scooping UI that they hope will be on new devices. The software company teamed up with another software company to produce the world's first mainstream destined 3D UI, that is made specifically for Android devices like the Optimus 3D and the other followers that should be on their way soon.

Anyone excited for what SPB software is cooking?
Press release below:

Mobile World Congress, February 14th, 2011 - SPB Software, a leading mobile software developer, joined with Spatial View Inc., a pioneer in stereo 3D auto-stereoscopic technologies, to showcase the first glasses-free stereoscopic 3D mobile user interface with full navigation capabilities on Android devices. It breaks new ground in the field of truly immersive stereo 3D mobile user experiences.

This complete auto-stereoscopic 3D Android solution offers a revolutionary mobile user interface by means of an all-encompassing Home screen that houses a rich set of animated 3D widgets, a specialized collection of 3D folders and a suite of customizable panels in stereoscopic 3D. The combination of elegant design and stereo 3D makes navigation effective and efficient, while emoting a feeling of immersion in the user.

********* PICTURE HERE *********

"By partnering with Spatial View and combining our flagship SPB UI Engine with Spatial View's leading auto-stereo 3D display technologies, we are able to demonstrate a very compelling stereo 3D UI platform for readily creating highly responsive stereoscopic 3D user interface solutions," said Sebastian-Justus Schmidt, CEO of SPB. "Indeed, our stereo 3D UI framework aptly complements existing stereoscopic content based solutions in the market.

"As a provider of auto-stereoscopic technology and 3D content for mobile devices, we are pleased to work with SPB Software to broaden the implementation of stereo 3D on mobile devices," said Ihor Petelycky, General Manager, Core Technology and Applications at Spatial View Inc. "Now there is no need to keep switching from 3D to 2D, after viewing stereo 3D content. The whole mobile experience can be in stereo 3D."

Explore the engaging stereo 3D user experience on Android at SPB Software's booth 1A27 in Hall 1 and at Spatial View's booth 2A97 in Hall 2, The Ontario Pavilion.

*** About Spatial View Inc. (Welcome to Spatialview.com) ***

SVI is a pioneer in stereo 3D technologies and applications. Founded in 2004, Spatial View provides software, services and technologies for the creation, adaptation, and viewing of stereo 3D content on PC, mobile and internet connected devices. For more information, please visit Welcome to Spatialview.com.

*** About SPB Software (SPB Software for smartphones (Android, Symbian, Windows Mobile, Blackberry)) ***

SPB is a leading brand in mobile software, standing for a unique line of popular consumer products and partnerships with the world's most innovative handset makers and wireless carriers. SPB's software solutions deliver richer smartphone experiences and enable subscribers to do more with their mobile data connections. SPB Software is the maker of the world's number one best-selling mobile application - SPB Mobile Shell. For more information, please visit SPB Software for smartphones (Android, Symbian, Windows Mobile, Blackberry).

I don't see why the industry is pushing 3D. It failed on TV's and i'm sure it's destined to fail on mobile phones. The 3D world is not where it should be to do these sorts of things.
I agree with you you new but then I think this is on a much smaller scale (handset) and really not the much of an investment (subsidized ) and people love gimmicky things on their smartphones phones I.e. useless apps etc etc.

So it MAY get some traction.

Droid-->Ether-->This Thread
i would give a try! is it available yet or still in the works?
The biggest problem with 3D tech right now is the viewing angles. For TV this is a big problem as most households sit around the TV and only one or two seats are properly situated to get a good 3D effect. Now with mobile phones you will almost always be directly in front of the small screen making the tech much more viable. Small scale less detailed screens will make this an easy possibility for 3D tech to evolve naturally. Useful...not really. Nifty...definately. I think with the mobile market still being a luxury based economy this will do well. Its not a necessary feature or featureset by any means, but neither is a smartphone with data to the average consumer. I honetly see the future of 3D being the mobile market, and as the tech evolves it will bleed more heavily to "mundane" platforms like home TV.
Hi everyone,

I think the 3D Smartphone will change everything in the mobile market, I know 3DTV's have not become mainstream yet but with the glasses-free 3D Smartphone you will be able to watch 3D movies, play 3D games and record 3D footage and post it on you tube's new 3D Channel for the world to see, oh and did i mention it takes quality 3D photo's aswell.
I don't see why the industry is pushing 3D. It failed on TV's and i'm sure it's destined to fail on mobile phones. The 3D world is not where it should be to do these sorts of things.

We'll see what happens now that they've shifted to glasses-free tech. I hear it's quite good and watching sports in 3D is something.

My concern is it seems like all the newer tv's are pushing 3D now. I hope smartphones don't go that direction, or at least I hope you can turn the feature off. It would just irritate me to no end to have to pay for a feature I don't want or need while other features I prefer are lacking.
You can switch off the 3D on the new LG 3D Smartphone or adjust the 3D via a button on the screen. It may not appeal to everyone but the glasses-free aspect of it will help the push for mainstream in 1-2 years.
I don't see why the industry is pushing 3D. It failed on TV's and i'm sure it's destined to fail on mobile phones. The 3D world is not where it should be to do these sorts of things.

Funny....there is a whole industry of people who you should probably talk to. 3D did not fail...the stupid shortcut the big manufacturers took with the glasses failed. But that is not the best technology...and while what is being sold now may be a fail. There are still many years before 3D as a whole can be declared a fail.

Just a personal note here....

My company deals with auto-stereoscopic 3DTVs. The technology is very good...and the only thing holding it back is the ability to display both 2D and 3D equally well with the same unit and no need for major changes/adjustments. I have not seen what Sony, Samsung, LG etc have in their back rooms right now...but I can tell you that we deal with several small manufactures that got out ahead of this when the big guys went with the glasses...and a few have units that do 2D and 3D in very solid quality.
Manufacturers need to stop pushing stereoscopic 3D.

The only time 3D looks good is on a movie screen... because it's BIG. I have a Samsung 55" 3D TV and I feel it was a waste of money because if you don't angle your TV directly at you then the screen can only pop out so much. Movie theaters have this down because the screen fills up your entire view so no matter where the action is and no matter where you are, it's 3D. The smaller you go the harder it is.

Same thing will happen on phones. Stereoscopic 3D is a waste. You have 1 viewing angle that makes it look good and the rest make it not look good.

I will admit the 3D recording feature would be a nice thing to have, but doesn't really reach a lot of people.

3D isn't the in thing except in movie theaters.

Just .02

Feel free to break it apart and reply. :D
Hmmm I'm not a huge fan of 3d movies, but a small screen you can move to where u get the best view and with the right content who knows. I think the biggest factor is the 3d recording and sharing that is available with these new devices...