I cannot beleive how motorola and verizon treat their costumers, we are not beggers, we are people that are paying for a product and services, they have been playing around with this so called update, releasing it little by little, full of roadblocks and removing features for some model owners, always trying to make money on everything, and the sad part is that we have to rely on developers like the ones we have here to supply us with the best, they are very dedicated people that are not making any money, and they strive to make our smartphone experience awsome, I have a motorola 1, with simply stunning version 4.5, and the developer is always updating it, fixing issues.
thank you ChevyNo1 for the great work, and all the other ones I dont mention, but that a lot of people are using their custom roms, you guys make our phone so awsome, MOTOROLA SHOULD LEARN FROM THEM.
thank you ChevyNo1 for the great work, and all the other ones I dont mention, but that a lot of people are using their custom roms, you guys make our phone so awsome, MOTOROLA SHOULD LEARN FROM THEM.