New Member
I have an LG Optimus L70 Cricket phone running Android Version 4.4.2. I have had this problem for a while now, where I had a lot of free space (around 300 - 500M) yet I could not update anything, nor install any new apps (except for some small ones.) I moved everything I could onto my sd card, and constantly ran a cleaner app to keep the junk down. I gave my phone to my son last night to play a game on, and when I got it back noticed that a couple of the apps looked like they had been disabled. Didn't think much about it, plugged it in and went to sleep. This morning on the way to work I noticed that all the apps on my sd card weren't working. I checked and it looked like my sd card had been erased (the kid is going to get his butt spanked when I get home tonight.) I decided this would be a perfect time to update everything, I cleared everything out of my phone that I didn't need and started updating. They all came back with "insufficient storage" I then tried to download some of the apps I needed, and I have only been able to download one so far. Everything else is saying "insufficient storage." I have over 500M of free space right now, and my internal sd card is only 1GB. I am about at the point where I am going to root my phone just to get past this problem, the only thing is the last time I did that I almost bricked the dam thing, so I am really nervous to do that again.
Can someone please help me fix this issue? Should I wipe my phone and start over? Root it? Or is there an easier option?
Can someone please help me fix this issue? Should I wipe my phone and start over? Root it? Or is there an easier option?