About ready to make the move-need a little bit or reassurance


Nov 1, 2009
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The only concern I have making the switch from my 8330 to the Droid is the Exchange e-mail. I am not a tech genius but have been trying to follow the trials and tribulations of those of you who have had issue with Exchange e-mail. I have corresponded with our IT folks about the Droid and they feel confident we can get it to work. The last conversation we had, our IT person said to let my provider (Verizon) know that your company e-mail runs off of an Exchange Server and therefore you will need to configure the "Active Sync" features with the companyDomain.

Do any of you have any other words of wisdom?

Thank you
I made the jump from an 8330 to a Droid with an Exchange account. It's mostly worked great, there are a few caveats I would warn you about:
* Can't accept/reject calendar invites
* Calendar widget isn't as handy as the calendar view on the Blackberry
* Reminder alarms don't repeat (that one burned me)
No option for a signature either...this could be BIG for you as it is for me since I use it in the corporate world.
You can accept invitations, but only from the calendar app... not from the email app.
No option for a signature either...this could be BIG for you as it is for me since I use it in the corporate world.
I agree, this option bugged me as well. Hopefully they enable this feature through future updates.
So what about the actual initial set up process and being able to get e-mail?
So what about the actual initial set up process and being able to get e-mail?

Easy. It went without a hitch for me. I just needed to enter my credentials and the domain name / server and that was about it. FWIW we use Exchange 2007
Thanks Mark 5047-I am thinking if I got it this weekend and with the short week next week, I would have a good handle on it the week after Thanksgiving and hopefully if there are any Exchange gremlins, I would have been able to get them sorted out. Would you suggest planning on purchasing Touchdown?

Do the Verizon stores have the cradle and the car adapter in stock at store level?​
Yea the stock calendar widget is not great and unfortunately it's the only default way to have a "today" screen. The pure calendar widget is good and can be tailored to your liking, but it's not exchange compatible yet.
My work (security department) has not "approved" Android yet--apparently they're still waiting to get a device to evaluate before letting me tap into Exchange 2k7 However, we have OWA and I'm actually able to use it pretty well in the meantime. Not great, but it works until they stop blocking Android.

- Mega
Well, I purchased my Droid Friday evening-it is great! I was very worried about the Exchange e-mail-I set it up in about 5 minutes and it has worked very well. I have thought about trying Touchdown but it is doing well without it-wondering what advanteges I would gain with Touchdown. Had not problems setting up G-Mail and my Comcast e-mail addresses. As soon as G-mail was set up, my contacts and calendar synced immediately as I had Google Sync on my Blackberry.

So far, soo good and thank you for your input.