Accessing voicemail


New Member
Dec 29, 2011
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When calling my voicemail, my screen goes black when I attempt to enter my PW. Anyone else run into that?

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
When calling my voicemail, my screen goes black when I attempt to enter my PW. Anyone else run into that?

Had you just taken it from your ear, to key in your password? That used to happen to me on my Droid. Some kind of timing issue, I think. When you first put the phone to your ear after dialing the screen goes black. If you pull it away too soon it's still in process of going black, and continues. Pause a second or two after the prompts and see if it still happens.

The problem I have with the Nexus and voice mail is when using touch tones on speakerphone. The Verizon system does not recognize the code as valid.
I had my screen go black while listening to voice mail on the speaker. Nothing I did would bring back the active screen so I could delete.

I noticed later that when I listened to voice mail and then lowered the phone away from my ear the active screen came alive again. Is there something I could have done after listening on the speaker to bring back the active screen?