Activated Nexus and old Droid is still functional??


Feb 17, 2010
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I activated my new Nexus this morning and as of tonight my old original Droid is still functional (syncing Gmail etc)... I seem to remember when I last upgraded my phone that it was deactivated the second the new one was working. This has me kind of nervous that they are charging me a ton of money or something. I just turned the old one off just in case. Does this have anything to do with the old one being 3G and this one being 4G? Do I need to call Verizon?
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what do you mean by "functional"? You can still make outgoing calls on it?
what do you mean by "functional"? You can still make outgoing calls on it?
Sorry, I should have been more specific. The internet is still working on it, it's getting Gmail notifications etc. I haven't tried making a call, but it still has all the bars as if it has a perfect signal. And I should also note that the wi-fi is not on, so it's not connecting to the internet that way.
Sorry, I should have been more specific. The internet is still working on it, it's getting Gmail notifications etc. I haven't tried making a call, but it still has all the bars as if it has a perfect signal. And I should also note that the wi-fi is not on, so it's not connecting to the internet that way.

yeah thats strange if wifi is not on....i'd say first try a call...if it goes through then call verizon...if it doesn't then you're probably ok but i'd call verizon anyway if you say you're definitely not on wifi.
yeah thats strange if wifi is not on....i'd say first try a call...if it goes through then call verizon...if it doesn't then you're probably ok but i'd call verizon anyway if you say you're definitely not on wifi.
Yep, definitely not on wi-fi. I was never actually able to get it to connect to our home wi-fi and didn't really need it so I always have wifi disable to preserve battery life.

I'll call Verizon to see what they say.

Your not crazy bro :) My phone worked for about 30 minutes after they deactivated it. Then all of a sudden it stopped working. I think if you go from non 4g no sim card to the nexus your old phone works for a little while until the network shuts it off. At home I turned on the wireless and the phone old phone is GREAT. Only thing is does not do is make calls. Games/data work perfect.

GPS still works perfect by the way. It's not affected by service. Just tested it again to make sure. Although you might not get the "map" when you dont have service... I wonder if you start it at your house or somewhere with wireless and then hit the road if it works. All I know is Navigation app is working on my no service phone.
I wonder if one of the developers will cook-up a super-stripped D1 rom....Not sure if you could get rid of services related to the phone and VZW. Only radio you need is wifi, and I think the rest of google services are connected thru the gmail account. Might make things a bit smoother for people using it as a home media device in its retirement.

Your not crazy bro :) My phone worked for about 30 minutes after they deactivated it. Then all of a sudden it stopped working. I think if you go from non 4g no sim card to the nexus your old phone works for a little while until the network shuts it off. At home I turned on the wireless and the phone old phone is GREAT. Only thing is does not do is make calls. Games/data work perfect.

GPS still works perfect by the way. It's not affected by service. Just tested it again to make sure. Although you might not get the "map" when you dont have service... I wonder if you start it at your house or somewhere with wireless and then hit the road if it works. All I know is Navigation app is working on my no service phone.

Glad I'm not crazy. So, maybe it just won't make calls? Did your old phone still show signal bars etc? And yes, this is the first time I've ever had a sim card with Verizon.
I wonder if one of the developers will cook-up a super-stripped D1 rom....Not sure if you could get rid of services related to the phone and VZW. Only radio you need is wifi, and I think the rest of google services are connected thru the gmail account. Might make things a bit smoother for people using it as a home media device in its retirement.
I like the sound of that!