ADB Console Makes Activities Like Bootloader Unlocking and Rooting Easier Than Ever!


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Oct 6, 2011
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We all like a great one click Root method, but as Android devices become increasingly difficult to root and hack such methods will become less and less common. Towelroot is the latest one click app that will root a handful of devices, but most devices require a specific root method for the device and even for the specific firmware version that device is running. These devices may require you to have the SDK installed and for you to be able to run ADB commands. If your device is bootloader unlockable you will almost certainly need to be able to use ADB to run commands.

There are other uses for ABD besides rooting and bootloader unlocking. If you ever need to flash a stock file or flash an ota update prior to it rolling out you may need to push that update through ADB. It can be a daunting task to set up the SDK on your PC, and then once your SDK is set up you will have to navigate to the correct path where the files are stored on the PC and then run the various commands to do what is needed. There is now a neat little Windows app that makes ADB a much less daunting task. Simply install the proper drivers for your phone, and then download and unpackage the ADB console. Then just launch the exe and you will have a console for typing your ADB commands. Head to the link below for the download!

Via AndroidCentral