AIM Program


Super Moderator
Oct 25, 2009
Reaction score
Tallahassee, Fl
"Hi AIM" which you can download from the market place, seems like a pretty decent alternative for those who don't like meebo and ebuddy. "Hi AIM" just updated their app this afternoon, and so far i've messed around and it's flawless. Does what it says it will do.

The prior version would force close chats every once in awhile, as a fyi.
I prefer Meebo as I can sign into all my chat accounts at once on the phone and at the computer. I used to use Hi AIM though on my TMobile G1 and it was a great program.

Glad to hear the great developers are updating for Android 2.0!
I prefer Meebo as I can sign into all my chat accounts at once on the phone and at the computer. I used to use Hi AIM though on my TMobile G1 and it was a great program.

Glad to hear the great developers are updating for Android 2.0!

Yeah I mean i really only use aim, getting a program that can do all is more of less overkill, i tried meebo, it's a good program, just not the one for me.
Yeah, I've also started using 'hi aim', however there's a problem - there is no easy way to close the app, but that's nothing new with Android... i go to settings->applications->running services and do a stop on 'hi aim' - but that doesn't work!

I guess the fix is to use 'advanced task killer' app (or in app management do a 'force stop')... why can't they just add 'exit' to all these apps!
yeah most apps right now don't have a way to stop them, until the people write it into the code.
i used to use hi aim on my g1 and it was great and now im using it on my droid but the only problem is it seems to drain my battery faster ...duh lol
hi aim is free too :), so far i'm only installing free **** on my droid. until it ever comes time to need anything more, which i doubt will be for alittle while.
are there any free or paid apps that will also do facebook chat?
Meebo is the easiest one to use multi chat clients and its FREE!!!
and works pretty well from what I've been seeing.. But I have been using the standalone SKYPE one...
Yah, as I posted in the thread on the issue about having to kill apps to save memory, a LOT of developers are most likely younger kids in school, learning Java, and don't have much experience/knowledge with all the ins and outs of app development, especially for a phone. Even if they have Exit/Quit, they may not properly release resources causing the app to hang around until you kill it or Android does to regain resources. For those of you that know much about the old C(C++)/Java wars (why one is better than the other), there used to be this notion that Java doesn't have pointers (one of the greatest things about C/C++ but also the easiest to cause problems with programs, crashes, etc). Fact is it does, and this is why a lot of Java apps don't exit properly... too many java developers don't realize that they do have to release various types of resources or the JVM will keep the app going.

Hopefully that will change as more senior developers start writing apps for Android.