Almond Milk may not be what you think


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Rescue Squad
Dec 23, 2009
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For people looking to cut weight or who are lactose intolerant almond milk has been the milk of choice. I personally love the stuff (almond milk) and have replaced cow's milk with it. Well it looks like yet again the food industry may have duped the health conscience public in hopes of making a quick buck. There is a lawsuit against Blue Diamond about their almond milk having maybe 2% almonds and a lot of everything else. This is another startling reminder that the food industry is big business and they are willing to do what ever it takes to make more money, even if it may seem unethical. As a consumer we have to remember to spend the extra few minutes reading the labels and understanding what is in our products.
For those like me who like almond milk here is a recipe to make it yourself: How to Make Homemade Organic Almond Milk - Recipe

Though this is not Android related news this is a consumer alert especially for those of us who are health conscience. I know of businesses and fitness centers who offer almond milk as an alternative to be used in their smoothies.
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Use this every other morning in my green smoothie, however I have never purchased Blue Diamond brand. Is this a problem across brands?
Use this every other morning in my green smoothie, however I have never purchased Blue Diamond brand. Is this a problem across brands?
I'll have to continue following the story to see which other brands are doing the same.
Milk is not good for you when you are a grown up. It actually draws calcium out of your bones. It's only good for those that are still growing.
C'MON !!!!

I love Almond Milk, especially Blue Diamond. I'm running out and needed to buy another half gallon this week as it's on sale for $3.39. I am dumbfounded.

As a kid, I drank probably 2 Gallons of milk per week during my adolescent / teenage years. I stopped drinking milk my Junior year of college.

I went to Soy Milk, and as yummy as it was, not the best thing for Men to drink, so that was that.

Then I went to Rice Milk, and did that for a while, but thought it to be too sweet and watery.

I was happy to try Almond Milk, and thought my search was over.

Thanks pc747! I'm glad this off-topic item made it to the front page. I learned something!
(side note, who dictates what get's put on the front page? I don't have much time, so I only reply to front page items usually)
I didn't realize you are supposed to soak almonds before eating them. Great recipe and tips on that page!
I'll never, for the life of me, figure out how they milk almonds in the first place. How do you tell if it's a boy or girl?
Dude...I thought we went over this when you started getting hair in funny places and started seeing Android phones a little differently...

Milk is not good for you when you are a grown up. It actually draws calcium out of your bones. It's only good for those that are still growing.

I gotta say, that's just not true may all. Source? My source is someone very close to me who works with the National Osteoporosis Foundation, National Bone Health Alliance, and some of the top osteo doctors in the country. Articles with "shocking facts" like that usually pop up on click-bait sites.

Milk may not be the best source of calcium or a healthy drink in general, but it certainly doesn't suck calcium out of your bones.
If you drink an over abundance of actually can bleach calcium out of a seniors dad drank 2 gallons a day until his doc told us that and we had to cut him back...

Now I know that there is a ton of half baked and wrong Info out there..but all of his doctors agree on this if they're least they allowed me to save a few bucks on milk lol
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Too much of anything can hurt you.

Drinking too much water can throw off your electrolyte and do bad things.
I gotta say, that's just not true may all. Source? My source is someone very close to me who works with the National Osteoporosis Foundation, National Bone Health Alliance, and some of the top osteo doctors in the country. Articles with "shocking facts" like that usually pop up on click-bait sites.

Milk may not be the best source of calcium or a healthy drink in general, but it certainly doesn't suck calcium out of your bones.

Post number six has the link.
And here are the cons*:

Debunking The Milk Myth Why Milk Is Bad For You And Your Bones

*Paid for by the National Goatherder's Association I am sure lol

Yeah. The web site is plastered with ads to buy her book. She isn't a doctor, and she's never submitted her studies or program for official peer review and validation.

In regards to the particular study, it never says that milk triggers a reduction in bone calcium or that it even weakens the bones at all. The study's lead author, Dr. Karl Michaelsson of Uppsala University, even called the results too small and far too preliminary to merit a change in dietary recommendations. It only says that Swedish people who ate traditional Swedish diets that were heavy in milk broke bones more often. There are simply too many factors to identify the underlying cause and that it needed more study.