Am I Covered Under My Warranty?


New Member
Nov 30, 2011
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I left my phone on my lap while getting out of the car one day. My Bionic fell from my lap, and landed face first onto the pavement. My phone works fine aside from some lapses in signal from time to time (this did not happen before I dropped it). However, I have a crack in my screen alongside some dents in the frame. I was wondering if it's at all possible to get a replacement under my warranty. I have insurance, but I don't currently have the funds to get a $70+ replacement Bionic.
Call vzw but chances are you are going to have to use your insurance. You can try and tell VZW you were having trouble before the drop....even claim to drop the phone while you are on with them in hopes of gaining sympathy....but I think the previous poster nailed it.....they will say no at that point.

but it's worth a shot I guess.
I left my phone on my lap while getting out of the car one day. My Bionic fell from my lap, and landed face first onto the pavement. My phone works fine aside from some lapses in signal from time to time (this did not happen before I dropped it). However, I have a crack in my screen alongside some dents in the frame. I was wondering if it's at all possible to get a replacement under my warranty. I have insurance, but I don't currently have the funds to get a $70+ replacement Bionic.

in short, no.

Even if VZ did warranty replace your bionic for you because of the dropping signal, they would turn around and charge you 299-500 for the screen being cracked. Better off waiting and using your insurance for a replacement.
I accidently dropped mine into water and the insurance covered it, 40.00 deductible and 100.00 to reup the insurance, but much better than 899.00 to buy a new one.