Amazing phone but one fairly inconveniant and odd problem...


New Member
Mar 1, 2012
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I've only had my rezound for 3 days now and I've noticed that when I recieve texts or any notifications for that matter, 50% of the time I don't actually hear the notification tone/vibration until I wake the phone. I don't know why it's only half the time and the other half It's fine. Also my mom bought this phone the same time as me and she is having the same problem only it seems to be worse on her phone. It rarely goes off as soon as it recieves a text. I've done some research, read some threads and I've noticed others have had this problem as well but no one has presented a successful solution. I'm being told it's some sort of sleep mechanism to preserve battery/data. However, I have unchecked the sleep and fastboot to never. My phone is running high performance. I have background data and sync all checked. I've done a factory reset thinking it may have been a bug. I've tried handcent and SMS pro. And I've probably done other things that I can't think of off the top of my head as I've exhausted myself on this. I love my phone. If I could just fix this one would be perfect.:happy3: I really hope it's just a setting I'm missing. And I'm completely open to suggestions:biggrin:

Also, does anyone know when the ICS update will be coming out for the Rezound? And if maybe it has any chance of fixing this issue givin it's not a phone setting?:frown:
Unfortunately you've gone through most of what everyone would suggest. As far as ICS goes we have a few wonderful leaks but nothing official yet. I'd say drop a Gingerbread ROM on here and watch your problems go away.
I think sometimes, the stars were aligned right when I bought my phone because I've very little problems with the phone. I get all the text message notifications and vibrates. The one problem I have is getting the notification on e-mail when on vibrate. My phone wont vibrate to e-mail, but it will on text messages. I'm using GO SMS, but even before I was using the stock text message app. Do you have the update to the Rezound?
Having the same issue with messages. Returned the first one cauae if it and now this ine does it too. No clue what it could be.

Sent from a Rezound
Having the same issue with messages. Returned the first one cauae if it and now this ine does it too. No clue what it could be.

Sent from a Rezound

Hmm, so it seems to be an issue with the majority of the phones as I just bought a replacement today and the phone did the same thing only it seemed to be worse. It's a shame the Rezound is a great phone but I don't think I can deal with this issue as I'm a heavy texter/email user. I need to be notified ASAP for work reasons I'm returning it and buying a Droid Razr Maxx this week. HTC should really look into this issue with their Rezound.

Anyway, if you're stuck with the phone, I do hope an update comes out to fix this problem soon. Would sure help our conveniance. I just don't have the time to wait :blink:
Ive tried all the stock notification tones and a few custom tones. No difference at the rate they come in
I've noticed if you leave the message application open you won't receive a notification of new messages. So I always make sure I back out of it when I'm done. That might help some

Sent from my Rezound using tapatalk.
I had the exact same problem on my Rezound and I believe I've found a solution that while not permanent does allow me to receive texts without having to turn my phone on. I find that if I let the phone turn itself off with the screen timeout and not by pressing the power button then I get my texts normally with no problems.
I had the exact same problem on my Rezound and I believe I've found a solution that while not permanent does allow me to receive texts without having to turn my phone on. I find that if I let the phone turn itself off with the screen timeout and not by pressing the power button then I get my texts normally with no problems.

I've since returned the phone for a Razr Maxx. This is however an interesting finding. I know someone else who has the Rezound so I will have to tell them to try it. I wish I knew what was causing this and why there haven't been more complaints. Thanks for sharing :)
cause you're the only person left that uses your phone as a phone :p.

Mine never seems to alert me if it's on vibrate except for texts since I swapped to GOSMS pro. As for calls.. in silent it doesn't vibrate for a phone call even.. or if it does I have not felt it once in the time I've had the phone.. and it's a strong vibrate at that. With my volume all the way up it works fine. Since I usually watch the LED when in silent and need the phone to not vibrate anyway most of the time, that works out in my favor.. maybe it's similiar for others in that respect?
Are you using a task killer or manager of any kind? It may be killing the task that runs in the background, waiting for alarms. I was amazed to see that VZ supplies a task manager with the Rezound, I thought they learned long ago that they can cause more problems than they cure.
Are you using a task killer or manager of any kind? It may be killing the task that runs in the background, waiting for alarms. I was amazed to see that VZ supplies a task manager with the Rezound, I thought they learned long ago that they can cause more problems than they cure.

I didn't know they had one....but sure enough, yup. I saw under settings the default is to turn on Task Manager at I unchecked that. Also, went into the app itself and looked to see if there were any auto kill settings and didn't find anything. From the looks of it it's all manual kill.
a similiar but different problem! in texting!

For 3 weeks now(2 weeks into owning the rezound) my texting is delayed in sending anywhere from 5 minutes to 5 hours to it doesn't send at all!
VZW blamed it initially on facebook but the problem persists every day sometimes! It is totally BAD since i rely heavily on texting if I am on calls and I need to communicate!
I love this phone but am on the verge of going to the iphone 4s!
I have the rezound rooted and it is awesome but this and it resetting itself is ridiculous!
it will keep doing it until i take out the battery and do a master reset!
so can anyone help with this!
I would really appreciate it!
knock on would today is the first ALL day that it has not done it in 3 weeks! htc, vzw and no-one takes blame or knowledge!
I also switched to handcent and that helps a bit! sometimes i restart it and that helps too!
Are you using a task killer or manager of any kind? It may be killing the task that runs in the background, waiting for alarms. I was amazed to see that VZ supplies a task manager with the Rezound, I thought they learned long ago that they can cause more problems than they cure.

Actually, the built in task manager is HTC's. Most android phones have a built in task manager from the manufacturer. Other task managers aren't needed because they don't work well with the native one.