Amazon Fire TV User Reviews Suggest a Promising and Robust Media Streaming Device


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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX

Some of the first member reviews/first impressions are in for the new Amazon Fire TV media streaming device. The results are quite promising. Across the board the reports we are hearing from folks suggest a very fast and capable device. Once more third party support comes to the Fire TV, it will be even better. We wanted to share some user impressions we found on our sister-site at

Here's what member Revue5 had to say about the Fire TV:
Simple setup (w/on-screen instructions & video)
• The user Interface, simple, intuitive and very responsive
• Stable (no delays, no lag, no hiccups, so fare…)
• Sharpe PQ (vibrant colors)
• Support 1080p video & 5.1surround sound (DD+/DD/PCM)
• Some multitasking

Amazon contents loading time is very impressive, streams almost instantly. Not sure, it’s the horsepower, the ASAP feature/pre-cache or both? I’ll do deeper browsing to find out.

& btw, the box converts Netflix DD+. So, if you looking to get 5.1 surround sound; plug it directly into AV receiver, TV (w/optical out) or use optical from the box to a legacy receiver.

The voice search works w/amazon (tip: wait for the beep & hold while talking)
Looks like, finally the streaming players start to got the hardware they deserve.

i think Amazon done a really good job on this hardware & i expect this product to be successful as they add more apps…

no IR remote/receiver to use w/URC
no 24p
netflix adaptive stream starts with high PQ (& it doesn’t shrink end-credit)
color space output; RGB limited (16-235)
can’t figure out how to customize homescreen?

From other folks we have also heard the following:

the Fire TV is smoking' when it comes to streaming. My cox download speed averages 30Mbps. The Fire TV is almost instantaneous in loading and flawless streaming. I was using a Sony Blu-ray player to stream Amazon. WOW the Fire TV smokes it. ~ Anonymous

You'll definitely want to hit up the source link below to read even more impressions and tips from our other members.

Amazon using Android to do what other cheap Chinese manufacturers have done is a money making genius idea. Now here's a big brand name behind their box, plus it plays games, and from what I've seen, the games look pretty darn good. The hardware specs are top notch so it's future proof. Brilliant.