Amazon Throws in the Towel on the Fire Phone's Old Price: Now Selling for $200 Off Contract


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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX

To say the Amazon Fire Phone was a big failure is an understatement, but now it looks like Amazon is playing it smart by trying to cut their losses on the device. They are now selling the Fire Phone for only $200 without a contract. This is a far cry from its previous price of $299 On Contract before.

At this price, this actually becomes a tempting phone with fairly decent specs. Of course, this is really just Amazon's attempt to get rid of product on their shelves. It makes you wonder what they will do with the next iteration of this device.

Source: Amazon
This price still includes a 1 year subscription to Prime.
Prime is 100$ per year correct?? So 100$ for a phone that could be a media device perhaps??
That is what I was thinking. I'm going to check out XDA and see if anyone has flashed another rom onto it.
I have to say I messed with one today at AT&T and couldn't stand to use it for more than a few seconds before becoming completely annoyed and disinterested.
I have to say I messed with one today at AT&T and couldn't stand to use it for more than a few seconds before becoming completely annoyed and disinterested.

You and me both. I just do not like the whole "Fire" environment.
There is zero development for this phone. You have to downgrade the firmware for it to even be able to push root via ADB. Then you have to hack GAPPs as well.
Useless peace of kit kinda sad what such a big environment is Doing

Edited for language.
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I kind of feel sorry for all of those 20 people who bought it.

What they should do is unlock the darned thing and let the devs have at them... then maybe they can get some of that cash back.