And then his iPod died! The search for an android replacement


Aug 31, 2010
Reaction score
Albany, NY
Okay, so over the weekend me and my friends were getting ready to go out, had the music going, and unfortunately, as this seems to always happen to me because my iPod is almost always powering the music, it was dropped in a cup of liquids. :( . I have a droid Incredible, and I have played around with a few music players (double twist , meridian , btunes) but now I am looking for a FULL TIME replacement!

I use iTunes to rate songs, and from what I see already, doubleTwist does NOT sync ratings back to iTunes, it is only 1 way. I have come across the name iSyncr in a few forums.. Does anyone have experience with that app? ALSO! maybe this is just me, but it seems that shuffle in most of these programs is not a TRUE shuffle. It shuffles every time you hit next, which means after a couple songs you could start hearing the same ones. Now would just making it "Repeat All" fix this? I never use the repeat buttons lol

Thanks for the help!!!
ALSO! maybe this is just me, but it seems that shuffle in most of these programs is not a TRUE shuffle. It shuffles every time you hit next, which means after a couple songs you could start hearing the same ones.

Funny that you consider the way itunes does shuffle to be "true" shuffle. I think proper shuffle is randomly selecting a track each time. Itunes does not do this, it takes all your songs and builds a playlist in random order.

Anyways, I'm in the same boat. Looking to dump my ipod and use my phone as a full time mp3 as well, so I don't have to carry around two devices. Unfortunately the Inc isn't really doing it for me, but my concerns are hardware related, not software.
Well I just find it annoying if a song I jsut heard comes back on! I like hearing songs I forget about lol, I try and play deep through my shuffles. But yeah, I've also noticed a slower performance using my inc. However, here at work doubleTwist + lyricApp is working quite well for me!

Just need a way to sync ratings and such so my smart playlists stay SMART! :D
Okay, so over the weekend me and my friends were getting ready to go out, had the music going, and unfortunately, as this seems to always happen to me because my iPod is almost always powering the music, it was dropped in a cup of liquids. :( . I have a droid Incredible, and I have played around with a few music players (double twist , meridian , btunes) but now I am looking for a FULL TIME replacement!

I use iTunes to rate songs, and from what I see already, doubleTwist does NOT sync ratings back to iTunes, it is only 1 way. I have come across the name iSyncr in a few forums.. Does anyone have experience with that app? ALSO! maybe this is just me, but it seems that shuffle in most of these programs is not a TRUE shuffle. It shuffles every time you hit next, which means after a couple songs you could start hearing the same ones. Now would just making it "Repeat All" fix this? I never use the repeat buttons lol

Thanks for the help!!!

is the majority of your music on your PC at home? If so do you constantly leave your PC at home on, or is this possible?

reason being is I just set up Jam 11 (beta) which kinda of uses your home PC as a server and you can access whatever is in your itunes library directly from your phone...tried it out last night and it worked great, might be worth giving it a try :)

before this I used isync and it was a piece of cake, honestly anyone could set it up...however it is just a transfer program not a music player...for playing music (aside from jam11) I use mixzing and have been very happy with it
thanks for the great info! do you think you could explain to me how isync works? I'm at work and have no way to try it. As long as it transfers it, thats fine, that honestly just gives me more flexibility when it comes to choosing a player from the market place!

And yes, I usually keep my computer home, but I would also like to be able to access in the event i do not have 3g/wifi access
thanks for the great info! do you think you could explain to me how isync works? I'm at work and have no way to try it. As long as it transfers it, thats fine, that honestly just gives me more flexibility when it comes to choosing a player from the market place!

And yes, I usually keep my computer home, but I would also like to be able to access in the event i do not have 3g/wifi access

isync is a piece of cake

so you download the app, plug unit into pc - make sure you are in USB mass storage

autoplay will pop up - select open folder to view files

there will be a isync icon there, double click that

itll bring up a box and you just check what you would like transferred - playlists, entire library etc

then just hit sync or transfer (i forget the exact lingo) and bam your done
wow incredible, thanks for the tips! looks like that will be solving my problems :]

another satisfied customer here on the forums!

thank ya
reason being is I just set up Jam 11 (beta) which kinda of uses your home PC as a server and you can access whatever is in your itunes library directly from your phone...tried it out last night and it worked great, might be worth giving it a try :)

How's the audio quality? The website says "The music quality is as if the music is played locally form your phone." but I find that hard to believe. I would love this but I won't do it if I have to sacrifice quality.
reason being is I just set up Jam 11 (beta) which kinda of uses your home PC as a server and you can access whatever is in your itunes library directly from your phone...tried it out last night and it worked great, might be worth giving it a try :)

How's the audio quality? The website says "The music quality is as if the music is played locally form your phone." but I find that hard to believe. I would love this but I won't do it if I have to sacrifice quality.

now I have yet to try this through my car stereo system (thats my test for everything), I played it through headphones and it sounded good and definitely listenable.

Im a huge fan of good audio, full system in my car, full home system, DJ headphones etc....if it was a noticeable difference to me I would not be using it.

Its a beta, its free..why not give it a shot :)