I know that the Android 2.1 OS is due out sometime before the next presidential election. Currently Droid lacks the capibility of voice dialing using a bluetooth device. Postings, rumors, etc have said that this was being addressed as a programing issue. Does anyone out there know if this problem will be answered in a positive way with the 2.1 so I will be able to voice dial over my bluetooth?
I also know only certain bluetooths (or is it blueteeth?) can stream audio from music or internet through the device. Is there anychance that a programing chane may alow any bluetooth to receive any form of audio from the phone? Thanks...
I also know only certain bluetooths (or is it blueteeth?) can stream audio from music or internet through the device. Is there anychance that a programing chane may alow any bluetooth to receive any form of audio from the phone? Thanks...