Android growth continues as other platforms lose marketshare


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The latest statistics on the state of the mobile industry have just been released by comScore, and their information shows that Android is steadily gaining steam in the U.S. The study, completed by comScore, is based on a three-month period ending in May. It examined the distribution of mobile platforms in the U.S., the top device manufacturers in the U.S., and just how mobile phone owners are using their handsets. As for platforms, Research In Motion, makers of the BlackBerry, are holding strong at the number one spot with 41.7 percent of the market, down a litte less than half a percent from February.

Next up is Apple, with 24.4 percent, a one percent drop from February, followed by Microsoft, with a 13.2 percent share. In fifth place is Google at 13 percent marketshare. Interestingly, Android was the only mobile platform to experience growth in the three-month period, gaining four percent on all of the other platforms. Bringing up the rear is Palm's webOS, with 4.8 percent of the market.

It's definitely interesting to see that Android is the only mobile platform that grew during the research period. The research just goes to show that Android, while still fairly young compared to most mobile OSes, is quickly gaining ground on its competitors. Most of the drops that occurred can be explained by the lack of new hardware (Apple and Palm) or software

(Microsoft). Since the release of the iPhone 4 and its huge sales numbers from launch weekend, as well as the launch of the upcoming Motorola DROID X, I'd like to see how the platform breakdown will look in a few weeks.



Via Phone Arena, comScore

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Good to see. Wished it was higher, but the growth in encouraging.

My personal opinion is Android just needs to get a little better with email/calendar and UI and then RIM could start losing corporate accounts in droves. In my experience, a lot of people don't like their blackberry and don't care to carry two phones, but Android is too new and IPhone is not a consideration for most because of AT&T.
Good to see. Wished it was higher, but the growth in encouraging.

My personal opinion is Android just needs to get a little better with email/calendar and UI and then RIM could start losing corporate accounts in droves. In my experience, a lot of people don't like their blackberry and don't care to carry two phones, but Android is too new and IPhone is not a consideration for most because of AT&T.

i agree with your points. I am a big apple fan, and i must say google puts a lot of fear into my heart. I can easily see droid phones with maybe up to 60 to 70 percent market share 5 years from now.
Interesting how Android is the only platform that is growing. Also interesting to note that Motorola slipped 1% in mobile subscribers since February...
Yes android is growing, but apple and blackberry are going to keep their loyal followers. Well Blackberry may lose all the storm customers, but apple will keep their people.
^ I agree. It would take for Apple to stop making iPhones altogether for the majority of iPhone usersl to stop using it.
Doesn't it seem likely that the next quarter numbers will have Apple gaining ground again, with the Iphone and all. Plus its probably not surprising that Motorola lost a little bit of ground, with the Incredible being all the hype over the last quarter.
^ I agree. It would take for Apple to stop making iPhones altogether for the majority of iPhone usersl to stop using it.

This is a good point. Apple users plug their ears and sing "lalalalalalala". They think IPhone is the best and can't even fathom or be bothered to look at something else.

A friend the other day asked me what makes my phone so much better....It was like "well, speed/flash/widgets/customization....ohhh, and VZW". And just a "duh" look on his face.

Playing around with a new app selecting the settings for the first time and he says "doesn't your phone locate you". Seriously? It can become a wifi hotspot and you think it doesn't have GPS?

That Evo vs. IPhone video floating around sums it up perfectly. I'm not even sure the UI is that much better on Apple vs. even stock Droid out of the box. Once the "app gap" closes there's really absolutely nothing to favor IPhone over even stock Android phones.
Doesn't it seem likely that the next quarter numbers will have Apple gaining ground again, with the Iphone and all.

Maybe, but remember a huge chunk of IPhone sales was upgrades, something like 80%.

I'm just surprised IPhone still has double the market share of Android. I thought Android actually had a larger installed base at this point, but that must have been current market share of new sales.

Apple won't come out with another phone until next June??? With X out this week and Pro later in the year, not to mention what comes out next year, I think Android makes a huge push to close the gap. At this point, it won't be taking share from Apple or RIM because those users are entrenched for a variety of reasons - I think most of the Android growth is actually new smartphone users. Would love to see how many new subscribers are choosing Apple, Rim and Android.
^ I agree. It would take for Apple to stop making iPhones altogether for the majority of iPhone usersl to stop using it.

Haha...They'd continue to use their antiquated IPhone for years because it's just so much better that it would take other phones a decade to catch-up.
What's most amazing to me is the percentage of increase in such a short period. Android phones going from a 9% market share to a 13% market share is an increase of 44.4% - in just 3 MONTHS!

Now I'm not suggesting that the current rate will continue - but IF IT DID:
By the end of August: android = 18.8% of mkt, apple = 23.4% of mkt
By the end of Nov: android = 27.1% of mkt, apple 22.5
By the end of Feb '11: android = 39.1%, apple = 21.67%

So Android passes MS for third place by August.
Android passes Apple for second place by November
Android passes Blackberry for #1 position by Feb 2011

Again, I'm not suggesting the current growth rate for android will continue - but that is an AWESOME growth rate! Imagine if it DID continue!
G=G Google is the new God, and the info collector is here....your life is no longer you own.......implant in code applied.

If you cant laugh at that, then I am sorry...hehe
I'm surprised MS has like 13% share. I had no idea.

I have to admit, if MS came out with a really outstanding phone I'd have to consider it because of the potential work integration. But on the other hand, I like free stuff and being basically forced to pay for MS upgrades is not at all appealing.