Android Mail - "Force Close"


New Member
Apr 19, 2012
Reaction score
On a Samsung Stratosphere:
I've had the phone for three weeks and this is the first time this problem has popped up. I have my work email (work supplies the phone) and my home email accounts linked to the phone. I can seen email in both accounts, but when I try to open or reply, I get this message:

"The Application email ( has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again.
And in a bar: "Force Close"

I've turned the phone on/off and pulled the battery. Any other suggestions?
Have you tried clearing the cache? (If there is one to clear) If that doesn't work you may need to uninstall & reinstall the app or use a different email app.

Sent from my HTC Rezound using Droid Forums
Thanks. Work setup the email account, and I'm not sure if it is like my Blackberry, that they have to reset the server (I think no?). I'll have to look for a cache.

I have a Charge and went to settings, applications, manage application and all. Cleared data and cleared cache and force stop.

Went to menu and selected "email" and re-entered my Yahoo user name and password.

Its working.