Android Market switching my Google Accounts


New Member
Feb 6, 2010
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I am having issues with the Android Market switching to my other Google account when downloading apps. I have two Google accounts set up, but only want to use one as my primary.

Anyone know how to switch this back?

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No luck yet, other than deleting my other Google account. Guess. I'll try to re-add it.

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I opened the Market, hit menu then accounts and chose one of 5 and mine hasn't switched since.
I have the same issue with my phone, I don't know if this is true but does it have something to do with the multiple account sign on, and perhaps g-mail account switching from the real site?
Hmm I use the multiple sign-in too, with a google apps for my domain which is my primary on my android and a gmail too. Interesting. Wonder if in this case correlation implies causation.