Android Pico Projector crashing on Netflix – any help would be appreciated!!!


New Member
May 29, 2015
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Droid Raxr M
Hey guys, I have this expensive pico projector that is crashing on Netflix. Basically what is happening is I am downloading the Netflix App, and I am able to install it, login in, and view movie titles. However when I try to watch the movie the movie hangs on “Loading” and just is stuck in loading. It’s not crashing as I can back out of it – it’s just stuck on loading.

I’ve tried MANY different solutions but I haven’t found the right solution. I’m desperate and willing to PAY for a fix right now. Anyone have any ideas?
Here are pictures of the projector, firmware, hanging on logo, etc.:







Sorry for the image quality! These are just cell-phone snapshots. :)
^Thanks for the tip. I'm new to the Android Forum world. - still just putting my feelers out to see which forums can help with a question like this.

I'm very frustrated with this problem and am serious about the monetary incentive!
As much as you're serious about the money incentive, this forum does not allow the exchange of items or services for money unless it's with an authorized vendor. We will be happy to help you through the problems and hopefully find a solution for you, but if it becomes obvious to everyone that the only solution would be physical repair and cost involved, unfortunately we would have to defer you to a retail service provider who can effect that repair for you.

As a result, I'm editing the title of the thread to remove the content regarding compensation. I hope you understand and can appreciate our position. Thank you.
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We're here to help each other, and don't accept money for doing so, so please don't worry about that.
Being that the problem lies in watching an actual movie, I can't help but think it's related to your WiFi connection. Can you tell us a little bit more about how you're connecting this device and what your WiFi speeds usually are? Are you connected via a smartphone or tablet hotspot, directly through a router, running through a pc or laptop, cablebox, etc?

S5 tap'n

Edit: ninja'd by FoxKat....Thanks bud!
to add to what fk and cr said, are you having those issues on your phone, tablet, computer, or anything else using netflix on that wifi connection?
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...I can't help but think it's related to your WiFi connection. Can you tell us a little bit more about how you're connecting this device and what your WiFi speeds usually are?

I've tried it on quite a few Wifi connections. There is slow-down compared to a PC connection YES, but I've been able to get it up to 13 Mb/s and I still get the hanging.
As much as you're serious about the money incentive, this forum does not allow the exchange of items or services for money unless it's with an authorized vendor. We will be happy to help you through the problems and hopefully find a solution for you, but if it becomes obvious to everyone that the only solution would be physical repair and cost involved, unfortunately we would have to defer you to a retail service provider who can effect that repair for you.

As a result, I'm editing the title of the thread to remove the content regarding compensation. I hope you understand and can appreciate our position. Thank you.

Thanks. I appreciate you telling me this rather than just removing the thread. I just wasn't sure if anyone would be motivated to help...:)
to add to what fk and cr said, are you having those issues on your phone, tablet, computer, or anything else using netflix on that wifi connection?

No my other Android devices are running Netflix just fine.
Thanks. I appreciate you telling me this rather than just removing the thread. I just wasn't sure if anyone would be motivated to help...:)
Hey, you did nothing wrong, your mistake was an honest and sincere one. As far as being motivated to help, I don't believe there's any question that we have significant membership motivated to help. The only concern question is whether we have anybody that can actually live in your particular situation so much as I like to mention that the product is unique, meaning it's not a phone or tablet or even another Android device such as a streaming device. I still wish that we can find a solution for you and hopefully someone else can chime in and provide some valuable assistance to you.
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What do you guys think I should do to get more replies?
Offering money was my entire strategy lol...
What do you guys think I should do to get more replies?
Offering money was my entire strategy lol...
Well all I can say is that perhaps you need to be reaching out to the manufacturer.