Hard Core Apple Videos
Ok, so they won’t allow porn on the iPhone but for some, who love their Android a little too much, this video of an iPhone 4 in a blender is disturbingly arousing, and I think you will agree that the slo-mo close-up shots are spellbinding.
This wanton destruction of gadgetry is not as uncommon as one might imagine. Take a wander round YouTube and you’ll find dozens of such examples, like this great slo-mo of an iPhone getting it from a .50 round or this one of an iPad getting toasted with oxyacetylene torches.
I found it heart warming at first to discover that the majority of these ridiculous acts of vandalism were aimed at Apple’s products. ‘Men after our own hearts’ I thought, and although the BlendTec clip is well made and deliberately comical, most of them weren’t. They lacked imagination and left me feeling glad I didn’t live next door to the people that made them.I searched for artistic merit, determined to justify my fascination, but found none. The focus on Apple, I decided, was nothing more than a crude attempt to piggy-back on the publicity that Apple’s products generate, and just like porn, it left me feeling dirty and ashamed.
Cheap laughs aside, I reasoned, its much easier to destroy something than it is to create something, even an iPhone – and after all… people died making that handset.
[video=youtube;fLreo24WYeQ]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLreo24WYeQ&feature=player_embedded]YouTube - Will It Blend? - iPhone 4[/video]
[video=youtube;Apcv0EgsuwU]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Apcv0EgsuwU&feature=player_embedded]YouTube - iPhone4 Slow Motion Sniper Shot[/video]
[video=youtube;Ya466GEF4v4]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ya466GEF4v4&feature=player_embedded]YouTube - How to melt an iPad[/video]