Announcing Pocket Legends For Android!
Pocket Legends is here, at least the Open Beta is! Pocket Legends is the first truly 3d MMORPG for our Android Powered Devices and will soon be the first ever truly 3d MMORPG that can be played from an iPhone, iPod, iPad, Android Phone, Android Tablet, and even PC! What makes this even better is that the game will be played on the same servers regardless of where you log in from.
Pocket Legends is free to play up until level 18. At that point you can continue to play for free but you will not gain any more experience. They also give you a second character slot for free so you can try a few characters so you can decide what ones you like the best.
As stated the game has an Item Mall of sorts where you can use real money to purchase "platinum" which is the in-game currency that can only be used to buy things from their shop. There are weapons and armor but trust me when I say that the game offers much better items if you just actually play the game. I have a level 30 Dex Bear that is pretty averagely equipped since I just started but the level 45 gear in the item mall is only 1 or 2 stat points higher than the current stuff I have.
Most of the items in the Item Mall are cosmetic enhancements, like different faces for your characters or level 1 hats to wear that do not impact gameplay at all. I can promise you the only things you will ever need to spend money on truly is maps.
To play past level 18 you need to purchase maps. If you buy every map in the game they come for just a few platinum a piece except for the latest two. The last two cost 10 platinum and 20 platinum.
I could go on and on and on but here is a quick rundown on some of the features for different aspects of the game and then you can just download it and play. The best way to see if a game is for you is to try it yourself.
PVE, or player versus environment, is currently the bread and butter of the game. There is monster grinding, there are quests, there are dungeons. Every dungeon has either a boss or a mini-boss at the end of it except for the first few dungeons/areas. On your map there are numbers above each town. These numbers represent the quests you have done, and how many total there are. For example, if it reads 13/19, you have done 13 quests, and there are 19 total for that map. One of the draws of this game is that it has a loot system like Diablo games where there is a ton to choose from.
The item rarity list goes:
Grey, White, Orange, Green, Purple, Pink. Pinks are the best items in the game.
PvP is still being worked on but there is a ton of people who just do this. They try to twink out their characters at level 19 and just have fun. There were just two PvP types, 3v3 and 5v5. The most recent patch added in Capture the Flag, but you have to purchase it with platinum.
The game is on average, updated every other day with small fixes or little things to improve the playing experience. Every couple of weeks they put out a big update that adds things like an auction house, new faces, more pvp options, or more maps which also increase the level cap.
Below is a list of changes and additions to the game that Spacetime Studios made in just one month for players:
- Boss monsters are now immune to all categories of ability effects: rooting, freezing, burning, weakening, fear, armor-break, etc.
- Generic Troll monsters are no longer considered bosses and no longer have 'boss-level' loot.
- Frosty bosses in the "Lost Expedition" campaign now drop several more Epic and Legendary items! Look for frozen axes, ice-bolt staves, frosty auto-crossbows, frozen shields, ice wands, wings and spikes with higher-level enchantments.
- Fixed an issue with the "Saintly Shield" statistic requirements. This shield no longer requires INT. It requires STR (as originally intended).
- Optimized several particle systems
- Some minor server optimizations
- Croc monsters can now run a bit faster than they could previously.
- Fixed swamp access icon
- Added lower level of detail for player characters
- Facebook integrated is now enabled (from the Login screen, click Options | Facebook)
- Fixed inability to use skill immediately after respawning
- Added warning to Give screen that mentions it is not secure trade
- Made iPad Potion store, Buy Platinum, and Upgrades pages consistent with iPhone version.
- Possibly fixed teleporting into the middle of a dungeon on continue
- Item drop rates have been reduced for 'mini-boss' mobs in the Dark Forest dungeons.
- Additional stash slot purchases have been temporarily removede from the Upgrade Store until we can fix a usability/interface problem with the stash system.
- A character may no longer rejoin an instance after being booted from it.
- The "Ancient Swamps" dungeon campaign (for character levels 30-35) is now available.
- Raised level cap to 35!
- The first four dungeon campaigns ("Dark Forest," "Balefort Castle," "Fathom Crypts," and "Lost Expedition") can be purchased in a single discounted 'Campaign Pack!' Check the 'Upgrades' store for this and more.
- Fixed mobs possibly getting stuck invulnerable
- Removed cancel button from patching page. Cancelling causes problems with the current client.
- Fixed issue where Warrior "Evade" skill was not firing off its visual effects.
- Bosses are no longer immune to Weakness, Stun, Armor-break and Fear effects.
- Moved "Level Complete" text, "Continue", and "Exit Level" buttons towards bottom of main screen
- Players can no longer host townes.
- Dagger speeds have been increased. In conjunction with this, Dagger minimum and maximum damage values have been reduced in order to keep this class of weapon in its proper place within the weapon DPS hierarchy.
- iPad: Stash shows 5 inventory items per page, adjusted layout and help
- Decreased trash loot drop rates to compensate for increased boss loot drop rates
- Fixed transparency on tapestries
- You no longer get a kill for mobs that don't give you any xp
- Added three chat states to iPhone. Click on the top line of chat to switch between one, three, and nine lines of chat!
- The Ursan "Warlord" armor, Enchantress "Rainbow" robe and the Archer's "Shooting Star" leather are once again available in the Forest Haven towne vendor.
- Fixed incorrect texture on Jeweled Battle Crossbow weapons.
- Fixed showing purchase recommendations for campaigns you already own
- Game balance changes have been made to loot! Loot is now dropped based on the items' rarity (as opposed to the old system where loot drops were chosen 'randomly'). Bosses now drop loot every time they die.
- Rori the Towne Historian now has information about where to find vendors in-towne.
- Bennu has been given the ability to sell items. Only low-level mundane items; no magical items. Bennu can direct you to Ozz the Merchant (in the Forest Fortress) and Ellie the Enchantress.
- Hosted game names are truncated to 20 characters
- iPad: Fixed skills help overlay
- iPad: Fixed avatar help overlay
- iPhone and iPad: Fixed stash user interface and help
- iPhone: Fixed placement of help button on menu screens
- iPhone: Fixed friend ignore listing showing up incorrectly if you had pending friends
- iPhone: Added help to the iTunes store page
- iPhone: Various changes to Store screens to reflect new names (Potion Store, Buy Platinum, and Upgrades!), updated help screens
- Enemy health bars are larger
- Tells to inactive characters on active accounts will no longer say they went through when they didn't.
- Bone textures are back! Items that had their 'bone' textures switched with the basic texture (a problem with data in the 1.1 update) are now fixed.
- Continuing from one dungeon to another in a campaign reserves spots for the original party for 2 minutes.
- Respecs cannot be done if you do not currently have any spent skill or attribute points.
- You can now purchase additional stash slots with platinum
- iPad: Fixed lockup (freeze) when exiting a completed mini dungeon
- iPhone: Fixed top skill icon recharge fill showing wrong icon
- iPhone: Fixed one of the ability recharges showing the wrong icon.
- iPhone: Fixed placement of help on avatar screen
- iPhone: Reduced size of player indicator on hud.
- iPhone: Reduced chat display to 3 lines.
- iPhone: Move chat text to top of hud.
- iPhone: Moved chat buttons to bottom of hud.
- Stash should be working properly
- Set level for campaign purchases requirement to Level 1 so they are not red in the iTunes store
- In the "Kings' Forest," in the "Magic Castle" and in the "Mega Maze" you now have the chance to find:
- Battle Axe of the Bear and the Battle Axe of the Conqueror
- Battle Crossbow of the Eagle and the Sniper's Battle Crossbow
- Bonestaff of Darkbolt and the Dreamer's Bonestaff of Darkbolt
- New 'Bone' armor drops
- New custom high-end armor pieces have been added to the in-game vendor (Buy with Gold)!
- The "Ursan Warlord" armor sports a new black-and-white face paint (and long-black hair extensions).
- A new "Rainbow Robe" adds colorful dress and new cosmetics colors for the Enchantress.
- And the "Shooting Star" leather provides a stylish alternate for high-end Avian looks!
- Fixed character getting stuck if respawning while frozen
- Exiting a dungeon while dead will now bring you back to life
- Unintentional PvP should no longer be possible
- Debuffs which modify stats should now apply to creatures properly (ie. Archer's Break Armor)
- News button is now prominently displayed
- Healing abilities generate a bit less threat.
- Warrior has been changed compare more favorably with Enchantress and Archers (in terms of both DPS and TANKING roles).
- The Warrior's preferred offhand shield and torso armor types (chain and plate) offer more armor protection.
- Warrior characters also now have more base DPS and a higher base chance to Dodge.
- In terms of DPS: the Warrior's preferred 1h and 2h weapons have been given a significant boost in damage (but higher STR requirements to wield in some cases).
- Warrior 'Slash' abilities do a lot more damage.
- Warrior 'Rage' self-buff yields a higher DPS during the buff period.
- Warrior 'Iron Blood' provides more armor (but has a longer cool-down).
- Knock-back effects for the 'Mega Slash' have been reduced considerably.
- A chance to 'Stun' targets has been added to 'Stomp,' 'Hellscream' and 'Mega Slash.' Chance to stun targets increases with increased skill ranks.
- Warrior self-buffs "Rage" and "Iron Blood" can now be cast while moving.
- Warrior area target de-buff "Hellscream" can now be cast while moving.
- Archer ranged weapons are now significantly more powerful (especially when compared with daggers - which were dramatically over-powered).
- Crossbow weapons do significantly more damage per shot. Bows, crossbows and auto-crossbows are the top-tier for ranged damage-dealing.
- Talon Spike weapons do more damage per hit (compared to previous iteration) but not as much as daggers to balance the fact that Talons are ranged / daggers are melee.
- Dagger attack period increased to bring DPS in range with other class' melee weaponry.
- Daggers now get a 'bleed' effect (drains target health over time, stacks) that can hasten an enemy's demise - to make up for the DPS nerf.
- Enchantress' preferred weapons are now more powerful.
- All 2h Magestaff weapon damage increased to make 2h staff mages more about DPS.
- All 1h Wand weapon damage decreased to balance with off-hand shield / mage-tanking.
- Fixed chat text to display well in all zones
- Moved iPad virtual joystick 50 pixels to the right
- Damage mitigation generates a bit more threat.
- Fixed inability to progress past last dungeon in Lost Expedition
- Updated specials! Dark Forest is now $0.99.
- Fixed rendering of login screen (off by 2 pixels)
- Level cap raised to 30
- Fixed a problem with "Fire" and "Ice" wands giving an un-balanced amount of armor. Wands should not give any armor; casters should instead pair with an offhand shield item (like the Demon's Eye bracer).
- Added additional titles for Enchantress and Archer achievements
- Fixed a problem where Level 25 loot was not being dropped by Level 25 monsters!
- 'Character Re-Spec' is now on-sale! Price has been reduced to 99 cents.
- Quick Join should no longer put you in an already completed dungeon.
- New dungeons (with special Level 25 - 30 loot items) have been added to existing campaigns!
- "The Skeleton Cult Crypts" mini-dungeon has been added to the FREE 'Forest Haven' campaign.
- "The Kings' Forest" mini-dungeon has been added to the 'Dark Forest' campaign.
- "The Magic Castle" mini-dungeon has been added to the 'Balefort Castle' campaign.
- And "Mega Maze Mash-Up" dungeon has been added to the 'Fathom Crypt' campaign.
- Run these new dungeons for your chance to loot the following new items:
- Spike Axes, Pick Axes for Warriors
- Heavy Crossbows, Thin Daggers for Archers
- Lightning Wands and Lightning Bolt Staves for Enchantresses
- Two additional abilities for the warrior
- Evade: increases dodge chance for 20 seconds
- Beckon: pull enemies toward your position
- Reduce gold drops for chests and some loot tables that were out-of-whack
- Increased loot drop rates for existing three campaigns
- Nerfed Archer's "Evade" ability recharging too quickly and being able to stack
- Updated friends page to show when your friends are offline
- Added account faq page to login screen
- Quickchat popup now has an "Edit" button next to each line, to make it clearer that you can customize the line
- Added a third state to the emote button on the main screen for iPad users.
- Moved Gobi closer to center of Towne
- Revised how stats affect damage, hit, crit, and dodge
- (Dex and Int now influence damage, health, and health regen)
- Skill cooldown graphics modified to increase readability
- New icons for blinding shot, thorn wall, blessing of might
- Added helpful blurbs for new players to in-towne NPCs
- Unverified accts playable for 24 hours
- Unverified accts deleted after 7 days
- Staged The Lost Expedition for upcoming release
- Made the game more difficult (increased monster hit points across the board).
- Forest troll dungeon has a handful more mobs.
- Kings forest has different (lower-level) loot tables.
- You can no longer use your weapon or use a skill if there's a wall between you and your target
- Reduced client startup memory usage
- Polished ui pages in preparation for the iPhone release
- Added Enchantress Drain Life effects
- Added Enchantress Weakness effects
- Character names are limited to 13 characters
- Eased up chat filtering a bit more
- More explicit instructions added to towne dungeon start page
- iTunes item packs now have character class sub-categories. Item Pack (Category): Archer (Sub-Category), for example.
- Auto-rank skills and auto-populate skill slots for first 4 skills
- Enchantress heal and Archer blast shot fx optimizations
- Updated HUD help screen, made primary attack button larger
- Help is now on by default
- Enchantress mobs attempt heal more often.
- New Enchantress ability: Blessing of Might (+5 strength for 2 min).
- Additional archer abilities: Blinding shot (reduce single target damage), Thorn wall (multi-target root).
- Eased up chat filtering a bit
- Renamed Options on main page to Account Options
- Renamed Recover Account on Account Options page to Forgot Password
- Added instructions to Forgot Password page
- Hud chat window starts expanded
- Added Playguide button to main page which opens a link to the website's playguide
- Added Rori, Towne Historian to Town
And here is what the most recent patch brought to the game:
Major Updates:
• Consignment Shoppe: List and purchase the items you really want. Shop smart.
• Magic Mirror: For the first time, you will be able to customize your face and head.
• Capture-the-Flag: Epic PvP with all new maps and rule-sets.
• Avatar Page Customizations: Show the world who you really are.
• Enhanced Storefront: All three stores have been made into one easy-to-use interface.
* Fixed some graphical issues with the Ursan Warrior's face and neck.
* There are three (3) auction NPCs you can talk to in Balefort Castle - so, no waiting to list items!
* Players can no longer "rush" major boss monsters. Bosses (Level 35 and up) will not spawn until a significant number of their underlings have been defeated.
* Both 'Points Scored' and 'Kills' appear on the Capture-the-Flag end game screen.
* Fixed a type-o in Ryom's "Yeti Pelt" quest.
* You can purchase bundles of Auction Slots and SAVE! Look for the 5 and 10 slot bundles in the in-game store (under 'Features').
* Loot item drop rates for lower-level monsters in the "Trials of the Galactic Overlord" campaign series have been increased.
* You can now Quick Join a campaign Story-Mode dungeon, a PVP Arena, or a Capture-the-Flag Arena from the Main Menu!
* Added some information to the Log In screen that appears when the device cannot find an Internet connection.
* Revised instructions for the Delete Character function - better explaining that the user must type 'DELETE' to remove the character from the list.
* The far right column of skill buttons should no longer intercept taps when there is no skill mapped to that slot.
* Threw in a couple more Capture-the-Flag maps to the CTF bundle!
* You can no longer purchase a 'bundle' if you own a portion of that bundle.
* Fixed some graphical issues with the stone walls that surround Fort Blackstone.
* Also fixed some visual problems with the terrain in the "Lost Expedition" base camp towne.
* There is now a "CTF Sign-Up" character on the road leading out of Forest Haven. Talk to him to purchase the CTF map pack or to quick-join a match!
* The in-game tutorial "Help" pages are now 'off' by default.
* There is now a 'Stash' available in Fort Blackstone - conveniently located within the new Consignment Shoppe!
* A number of effect particles have been optimized to improve game performance.
* You will no longer see a 'Join' button on the Friends' page when your friend is in a dungeon that you cannot join.
* There is now an 'Account Details' page which shows your account status and a history of Platinum purchases. Trial Accounts can be upgraded from this page directly (and non-verified users can start the verification process from this interface as well).
* Next time you create a character (or rename an existing one) try our 'Random Name Generator!'
* You cannot list items for less than the listing fee! If you try to do this you will see a warning message.
* Magic portals should now take you someplace else, even if you have a quest that is associated with the zone you are already in.
* Ozz now has a collection of premium armor and weapon items for sale (for Platinum) in addition to his normal stock!
* Vendors in Dark Forest (Marlon and Jackson) now sell premium items for Platinum in addition to their normal stock.
You can tell they have been working hard on the game and I am proud to play it. I hope you all enjoy the game as much as I do and now that there are more Android users playing, I am sure I will like it even more. If any of you need help in game feel free to friend request and message me on one of my nine characters. These are their names:
Lastly, I can not always be on so if you have any further questions I would strongly recommend that you head over to the official forums at Spacetime Studios. Thank you for your time and I hope to see you in game.