Solved Annoying Doorbell notification twice a day


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Aug 19, 2015
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Samsung Galaxy 4
For approximately the past 3 months my phone makes a "ding dong" noise everyday at 7am and 5pm. I have searched google and not found a solution. My phone's default notification is not a doorbell noise. In fact, I have never set any app to make that sound and had never heard it from my phone until it started up on its own.

I do have an alarm clock app installed but it's not set for either of those times, nor does it use a doorbell noise for its alarms. I've also had the alarm clock installed long before the issue started.

When the doorbell goes off there is nothing in the notification area so I really don't know what is causing it. I read that Yahoo mail can be a cause of this, but I don't use Yahoo mail and have not installed any Yahoo mail app.

My phone is a Samsung Galaxy S 4. Android version 5.0.1. I am not a beginner when it comes to tech stuff, and I have checked everything I can think of in my phone settings, but this has stumped me and is driving me nuts. If anyone has any ideas they would be most welcome.

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Do you recall downloading a new app around the same time you started noticing the sound? That's where I'd start, since you've checked everything else.
Hang in there, I'm sure some of our other members will have some suggestions for you.

S5 tap'n
I've been tinkering with that possibility and disabled notifications on what apps I remember installing around that time. I did that from the task manager screen where you can force stop and disable notifications. So far that didn't help but after your post I went through my apps again and found one that I hope is the culprit. It's a transit app I installed but have hardly used. I think it might be giving me some sort of travel alert since 7am and 5pm are reasonable travel times so I'm disabling that and hoping for the best.

Thanks for the reply.
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Do you have a door bell ringer normally available?

Note 4tified

It is available as a notification sound though it's not my default notification sound.

I now have to wait until 7am to see if disabling that transit app solves the problem.
It is available as a notification sound though it's not my default notification sound.

I now have to wait until 7am to see if disabling that transit app solves the problem.
With that in mind do you use Google now or whatever it is? Could also be travel alerts for that.

Note 4tified
With that in mind do you use Google now or whatever it is? Could also be travel alerts for that.

Note 4tified
I don't think I'm using it because I'm not familiar with the service.
Hey guys, isn't Google Now turned on by default? Wouldn't the OP needed to go into their settings and disable it?

S5 tap'n
Hey guys, isn't Google Now turned on by default? Wouldn't the OP needed to go into their settings and disable it?

S5 tap'n
I don't think so, but could be wrong. The first time you open the Google app I think there are options on the bottom of the screen for "Not Now" and "OK I'm In". If you never click the OK option I don't think Google Now will ever dislay cards and notifications, and not play any notifications sounds.

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I'm happy to say that the transit app was the problem. Three months of annoying doorbells noises (sometimes waking us up at 7am against our wishes) finally have stopped. The app has a "function" where it alerts you that your transit route is normal, and this was turned on (I assume by default since I never played with the settings). The irony is that I never set a transit route and don't have a transit route since I work from home so this is not something I ever thought to check before. I guess the 7am and 5pm must also be default settings.

Thanks to everyone for their help and getting me looking in the right direction so this thing could finally be figured out.
I don't think so, but could be wrong. The first time you open the Google app I think there are options on the bottom of the screen for "Not Now" and "OK I'm In". If you never click the OK option I don't think Google Now will ever dislay cards and notifications, and not play any notifications sounds.

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That's correct. Unless they've changed it in the last year or so, you have to opt in when you first open it.