Anyone concerned with only a VGA front-facing camera in the Bionic?


Dec 3, 2009
Reaction score
Considering that many phones now have 2MP+ front-facing cameras, this sounds unbelievable to me that they would put a VGA on this "cutting edge" device.

What is really great is to be able to look at your screen while you are snapping photos of you and a friend, and having a VGA camera is not going to give you good quality.

Also what about video calling and the people on the other side seeing grainy images?

Is this really happening??
If it's the same camera as the D3 (and i think it is), then it actually works pretty well. I've noticed no problems either taking "self" pics or on video calls. The picture is not grainy at all. I believe you can see an example of both pics and video in the Droid Life review of the D3.
I was really hoping for at least 1.3 MP, but like LT* said, the D3 seems to take good FFC pics. The MP number doesn't really matter if the CMOS sensor is junk. My 5 MP cam on my D1 takes terrible pics. But I thought they were amazing when I bought the phone almost 2 years ago hahaha
Where do I beign with this.....

Many phones don't have 2MP FFC. The only ones I know of are the GS2 phones. VGA will be just fine. Why? Because are you really going to take such detailed pictures with a FFC? And Megapixels don't determine imagine quality.

Just because a FFC is VGA doesn't mean the quality will be bad. Those pictures of you and your friend will turn out fine, I don't see iPhone users complaining about the FFC and it's a VGA camera too.

Video calling will be just fine as well. It's not like the other person needs to see your face in HD. Your face won't be grainy, I think you're giving Moto less credit than they deserve here. They know what the competition's giving and they are fine with the VGA camera. It's probably not as bad as you think. You just need to test it out and see for yourself.

You aren't the first to question the VGA camera. Here's a thread from just three days ago. There were plenty before this thread too:
I was really hoping for at least 1.3 MP, but like LT* said, the D3 seems to take good FFC pics. The MP number doesn't really matter if the CMOS sensor is junk. My 5 MP cam on my D1 takes terrible pics. But I thought they were amazing when I bought the phone almost 2 years ago hahaha

Most cell phones and cameras in general use CCD sensors :p. Ususally the only cameras that use CMOS are high end point-and-shoot cameras and DSLRs.
I have the Droid 1 and it is the worst camera on a phone by far. I envy my friends with their iphone pics. The quality side-by-side is ridiculous. Even lighting adjustment is better with the iphones.

I just hope the Bionic has a great camera on par with iphones. Been waiting a long time.
As I've said before, I really couldn't care less. I have a dslr and a really small point and shoot (which will probably be smaller than the bionic). if I want to take a picutre ill use one of those. Plus I'm not a 14 year old girl, I don't need to take pictures of myseld for facebook

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Really?? You have to cut people down because they are trying to have a conversation regarding a camera on a phone and if it will work for their needs? You may not be a 14 year old girl, but you are acting like one.

As I've said before, I really couldn't care less. I have a dslr and a really small point and shoot (which will probably be smaller than the bionic). if I want to take a picutre ill use one of those. Plus I'm not a 14 year old girl, I don't need to take pictures of myseld for facebook

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Really?? You have to cut people down because they are trying to have a conversation regarding a camera on a phone and if it will work for their needs? You may not be a 14 year old girl, but you are acting like one.

I don't think Renae is cutting anyone down. What use is a front facing camera anyway? They are junk and about the only thing they are good for is Facebook.. I'm a big fan of Canon cameras and have had both Canon and Nikon SLRs since the 60s. If I want to do "photography" I'll use my Canon dslr not some junk camera on a phone.
I don't think Renae is cutting anyone down. What use is a front facing camera anyway? They are junk and about the only thing they are good for is Facebook.. I'm a big fan of Canon cameras and have had both Canon and Nikon SLRs since the 60s. If I want to do "photography" I'll use my Canon dslr not some junk camera on a phone.

I wouldn't say they are junk. Their main purpose (I think) is for video chatting and the occasional picture of yourself and friends. But if you're going to take pictures with the FFC, I don't think you should be worried about the quality because if that was your concern, you would use an actual camera.
I thought the FFC was basicaly just for video chat, if so I would think that as long as the image was clear a vga cam would be better. The higher the resolution the more data has to be sent which would make it more likely that the video would be laggy. I don't even know if I will use vid chat but as long as the image is clear enough on the other end that the person can see me then I'm perfectly happy with a VGA

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I'm not concerned at all about a lower quality FFC. The lower the quality of the image, the better I look to someone else.
Have to wait and see the quality, as I do feel FFC are an important feature now. More and more businesses are using face to face phone conferences, especially in my field.