Anyone else find "You must have WiFi enabled to download" annoying?


Mar 14, 2010
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I have unlimited 3G/4G, why on earth should I be required to have WiFi to download an app or additional app data?
Yeah it's a bit annoying especially on a 4g device, but these are huge files and they're just keeping in mind the users who don't have unlimited.
It didn't bother my on 3G with my OG but on the Nexus the 4G is faster then my home Wifi so it is very annoying to have to connect just for a download...
Yeah it's a bit annoying especially on a 4g device, but these are huge files and they're just keeping in mind the users who don't have unlimited.

But I'm talking about when it is required to have WiFi. My WiFi at home is 1/4 the speed of 4G. Example: Amazon will run their app of the day and you can't download the app unless you have a WiFi network. I think it's ridiculous!
I have WiFi @ the office and home and leave 4G off to save my battery, but I agree it is stupid to require it.

Maybe broken downloads don't recover gracefully and the developer has to deal with the support issue.
Isn't there some data saver setting where you can toggle whether or not you want that?

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But I'm talking about when it is required to have WiFi. My WiFi at home is 1/4 the speed of 4G. Example: Amazon will run their app of the day and you can't download the app unless you have a WiFi network. I think it's ridiculous!

Again I'm guessing that goes towards the users who don't have unlimited data. They're keeping in mind that the 2 major networks (vzw and at&t) no longer offer unlimited so they choose to use wifi for the larger files.

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I've never seen this message. It's it for certain games? Like level packs?

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It's for larger downloads from the market and for the downloads required by apps or games, usually 400-500 mb in size. I see the reason behind it but think there should be an option.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
It's for larger downloads from the market and for the downloads required by apps or games, usually 400-500 mb in size. I see the reason behind it but think there should be an option.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums

Exactly, I agree there should be the option not the requirement.
I believe its actually for games/updates for downloads that require a constant download stream and don't let you continue your download if you exit out of it/lose connection. Wifi is obviously the only stable data stream, and 4g like 3g can drop thus interrupting and corrupting the download.