Yes with the camera now on two droids in a different way then just taking pictures. bottom-line the droid chokes on even starting the camera up and or cannot even take a video.
two things i can pinpoint and not sure which it is:
1- the sd cards are terrible / defective
2- or its a ram issue.
something is bogging the droid down in my case on two different units.
Interesting...I just took this video yesterday using the app called Qik, which streams live to the internet... Live streaming takes away some quality and I had it set to "normal" anyway, but it DOES take video...I also took a video with the standard stock camera that I put on Facebook (that one's set to "friends only," and I don't feel like loggin in to change permissions), and the quality is MUCH better even though I was inside in a fairly low-light situation...
If you choose to watch it, turn your volume down. The wind was more fierce on the mic than it was on my ears. This is a short video of me testing Qik and talking about frozen Lake Michigan on Little Bay de Noc (look real close and you'll see ice-fishing shacks even though it was 45 degrees!)
the video also saved locally to my phone and has no problem playing. If it's a RAM issue, that may be completely based on what's running in your background. I WILL admit that the camera takes a bit longer than I'd like to start up initially using the camera button long-press method, but I've accepted it, although I believe that the camera icon launched it faster if memory serves...
Test | United States | By Jonny_Ks
If anyone uses Qik and would like to add me (still just trying it out) I'm Jonny_Ks
Also Jonny_Ks on Twitter...