Anyone switch from moto droid to evo 4g?


Nov 21, 2009
Reaction score
San Diego
I went to the sprint store with my gf to look at new phones for her. I wowed the manager there with all the crazy stuff i could do with my rooted moto droid, but after looking at the plans its so tempting to switch.....

They are half the price of verizon with unlimited everything and in san diego the 4g is non existent, but the 3g coverage i believe is pretty good. Not a huge fan of the phone but im sure i could learn to love it as long as its running droid 2.1.

Anyone made the switch to this phone and carrier and regretted it?

I know the evo is sold out everywhere but i got a chance to switch over and get one and my bill would be 50 a month for unlimited everything. Soooooo nice lol.
I'm sure Sprint's coverage is going to vary greatly depending on where you live. I doubt you would have any regrets when switching from the Droid to the Evo, but who knows regarding service. I'd google something like "Sprint 3g coverage in San Diego" or something and try to get some reviews from people in your area.
I also want to know if anyone has made the switch and what their experiences have been. Sprint's prices are attractive and Verizon's coverage isn't exactly great here in New Mexico.
I thought about making the switch. On one hand, I could get my wife and daughter both smart phones and me an evo for less than I'm paying for one droid and two dumb phones with Verizon. Their family data plan is very attractive.

On the other hand, I know that sprint's coverage sucks here. Plus, I don't think I would like the Evo as much as the droid anyway.
I used to be a sprint customer. The service was fine near my house, but terrible when I went to school in a smaller city in North Georgia. I hear the 4G is very spotty, even where there is coverage. VZW has yet to let me down. I went hiking to Greggory Bald in the smokies this week. I had service on top of the mountain. Hells yeah.
Somebody gave me an Evo to use it for a couple of days , of course the first thing I did was to install Bugless Beast on it :p . The screen is gorgeous and the multitasking superior to the Droid , actually the whole hardware feels superior to the Droid , camera , mic , speaker , touchscreen , speed etc. I have to say , this is the best phone I've used so far . Still it won't make me switch to Sprint , the battery life is horrible and I found out that Sprint is making you pay 10 extra dollars on any plan for using a 4G phone , yet everywhere I went on a 100 miles radius never had a 4G connection , not even on the stock ROM with 4G turned on so why should I pay extra for 4G if I never get to use it ?
Probably VZ has a better coverage in your area also , the phone is better , but not by much , not enough to make the switch , I think it's better to wait for Droid X , it also has a 4.3" screen but it's faster than the EVO thanks to the additional GPU .