Anyone Try Big Button Keyboard?


Nov 14, 2009
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Anyone Try Big Buttons Keyboard?

I see an app named "Big Buttons Keyboard" in the new App section by Chicago Logic...anyone try it? I'd only use it if I had the phone in the upright vertical position but just seeing if anyone has used this.

It won't let me see what the app accesses upon install either...cautious because I have noticed how some have been concerned about "Better Keyboard" logging keystrokes.
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I am interested to hear what any who have tried it have to say also...
Since I accidentally started the download and cancelled it the market does not seem to want to show me the dialogue where it says what the application accesses..Anyone have any luck in seeing what the app accesses? (You don't even have to actually install it.)
I actually just downloaded this app today, and though the screen looks kinda funky, it is VERY easy to use! I was surprised at how quickly I could text on it, compared to the original virtual keyboard, plus, it's free. Try it, if you don't like it, an uninstall is just as easy.

I'm keeping mine, though! :)
One thing that I did notice though, that caused me to switch back to the original, was the lack of correction when type contractions.

"im" goes in as "im", but with the original keyboard, when I goof, I get "I'm".

It might just be in the settings, so I will need to take another look at it.
I rarely use the keyboard in vertical mode to begin with. I always use the physical and on the rare occasion I don't, I usually use the virtual in horizontal mode. But for quick things now with a browser or password, I think this app will be beneficial due to the size of the buttons.

Does it have access to any odd settings when installing? Like phone calls, etc etc?

I am going to try it soon but like I said is going straight to installation for me since I already cancelled it once so it won't allow me to see the what it accesses.
Since I accidentally started the download and cancelled it the market does not seem to want to show me the dialogue where it says what the application accesses..Anyone have any luck in seeing what the app accesses? (You don't even have to actually install it.)

When I downloaded it there was no list of what it has access to, When I went to turn it on in settings I got a warning that it is a keystroke logger and could be used to get information

Edit I installed it.. is not worth it was harder to use because key in wrong places on keyboard
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Thank you.

I wonder if all keyboard related apps are considered "keyloggers" because they are applications for the keyboard.
I installed it, it said it installed OK but was not a available when I went to change keyboards.
are all keyboard apps considered potential keystroke loggers? someone said this shows up as one or gives a warning..and i've heard better keyboard does too.
boy u all of parnoid. all keyboards gather info.. i like this keyboard it needs some options like tatcle feedback and typewriter noise. i guess it could use a dictionary. but its a good start.
Big buttons

I downloaded this app also, but can seem to locate it in the phone. Where is it hiding? I looked in the app drawer and widgets,shortcuts still can't find where its hiding. When I look in the task manager I see it has been downloaded to my droid.

Thanks 2 all.
Go to Settings, Language and Keyboard, and press "Big Buttons Keyboard"

Looks I have to uninstall it now. If it was just a keyboard for vertical mode, then this would be perfect. Problem is that the buttons are huge in horizontal mode (maybe good for some?) and find the normal virtual keyboard fine.

Also, I doubt there is a way to have the Big Buttons Keyboard only accessible when the phone is vertical and then have the default Android keyboard accessible when it is in landscape/horizontal mode.
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Yeah I really want to keep this for the vertical keyboard, but I don't think there is any way an app can used just for the vertical while remaining stock and default for the landscape/horizontal. It is all or nothing and I don't want to sacrifice the stock horizontal just for the vertical because I use it even less.