My score was 86 a few days ago, and is now 77. 1weather (which shows temp in not. bar), ultimate custom clock (widget), adwlauncher EX, SD Maid, and Dolphin HD were the top offenders. No surprises except SD Maid, which I must have been using a lot during that first period. The "Hogs" that are showing up now... fpse shows up on the top, but I never use it. I'm fairly sure the reason my battery life has dropped a bit is because I installed Hoot Suite and Tweet Caster, which wake up my phone a LOT (that plus more people with better Droid 3 battery life submitted their stats)
It's nice to know that everything is working as intended, and it's free, but Elixir2 + Better Battery Stats is how I dramatically increased my battery life. The strange results I'm getting in the second round of feedback is... strange.