App for missed sms/calls/notifications>?


Oct 5, 2010
Reaction score
I have been a huge fan of Missed Reminder for the last 2 years, but it functions very poorly on ICS.
Over the weekend, I tried half a dozen missed notification apps, but they all seen to have the same issues. They will not stay active in the background and/or force close after a few minutes.
I tried Tasker, it looked promising, but I could not make a rule that worked (if it works for you would you pls post your config files)

For me sound based reminders are critical. Has anyone discovered any working apps?

I have no idea why this is not part of android,.... thanks
+1 for light flow. Best notification app imo

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
I had a little glitch so I emailed the dev the other day. He got back to me within the hour!
Lightflow seems sketchy b/c it asks collect all of the text you type, including personal info and data when you turn on the accessibility option.
Lightflow seems sketchy b/c it asks collect all of the text you type, including personal info and data when you turn on the accessibility option.

You texting a lot of Gov't secrets? Yea, it may not be for you. :p
Patient information. Probably get in less trouble for texting government secrets, lol
I am planning on using Lightflow never heard of it before this forum but on my Dx I used WhoIsIt, its not free problably 2--3 dollars I got it for 99 cents on a sale a while back its going to be between that(since I paid for it) or Lightflow which better be better then WhoIsIt since I paid already for WhoIsIt and it has a ton of customizable features.