App to control alerts by time of day?


Oct 31, 2009
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Is there an app out there that turns alerts or notifications off by time of day and even by day of week? I like to leave my phone on in case of an emergency call but I would like to silence the email and text alerts overnight.

Idealy it would allow each account to be controlled seperately. Example would be to turn off work accounts early evening and leave personal and text on until later.
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I'm not sure how detailed you can get with the app called Locale, but it does at least some of the stuff that you mentioned. I'd start there and see if that gets you what you need.
Locale does that stuff as well as Timerrific. If you just want it based on time, then go with Timeriffic (since it is free). I like Locale, because it can change settings based on dock state. I do not go to bed at the same time every night, not even close. But I do put my Droid in the dock every night when I get in bed.

So with Locale, I have my phone silenced when I get in bed (no matter what time that occurs). Also, I have certain callers (like my parents) set to ring through no matter what, so they can get ahold of me in the middle of the night if necessary, but I don't have to worry about my friends waking me up for no reason.
Locale caused me nothing but problems (mostly my fault I admit). Timeriffic just does what I want nice and simply :)
How accurate is Locale when you lose your location within a building? triangulation on cell towers is like a 1/2 mile radious
I downloade timeriffic and it doesn't allow for selecting by individual account. Very generic. I'll look at Locale
Not sure what you mean by "individual accounts"
Me either, I started spreading the joys of Timeriffic back in November when I got it and absolutely love the product. The developer is constantly refining and updating it too. I'm also not sure what you mean by too generic??
Maybe I missed it but I would like to be able to silence my work email automaticly at 6pm and leave my text and personal email on until 11pm and leave my phone on a 24x7 basis.
Gotcha :)

I have no idea if you can pull that off since all those accounts using the same email application. Not sure if it's possible to control sounds within the single application.
Is there a way to have the phone settings change by appointments on the calendar? I was hoping to have the phone go to vibrate if I have a meeting or certain other appointments.
Another vote for Timeriffic.

Not only a great app, but the developer is very responsive. Normally the same day if you have issues, like in my case, you are just stupid and break it on you own. :icon_eek:
Is there a way to have the phone settings change by appointments on the calendar? I was hoping to have the phone go to vibrate if I have a meeting or certain other appointments.

I believe not. The Timeriffic dev told me that calendar access is currently closed off to apps.