App to store customers information, like 2nd phone book?


New Member
Nov 13, 2017
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ZTE Nubia Z17

Thanks to all for many useful information; I check this forum monthly as guest but this is the first time I search for a specific app and need some help.

Can you please suggest me an app where I can write (store) my costumers data (information)?
Like this would be some kind of notes, 2nd phone book or preferably database.
I only need to store very simple information: name, last name, address, phone number, e-mail and short memo for example: how costumer looks like, what she/he prefers to buy, what kind of appliance was brought to service....
It must have a chance for full search (search for the name, telephone number or just part of the word/text).

If this app will also have a chance to import/export this data, it would be awesome.
If it has chance to automatically convert phone number into hyperlinked (ready to tap and call), this would be also very ok.

But... This application should not interfere with my phone contacts.
Because this database will be over the year quite large and I am not in contact with those costumers weekly or with some even not monthly.

Many thanks for suggestions and best regards.
best start searching the play store but I doubt there is one that will fit your needs. I think the best you can do is use google docs and keep all that info on a customized spreadsheet.
Welcome to the Forum! I don't know of any apps like this personally; but a quick search of the Play Store for "customer database" displayed a lot of suggested apps. I would recommend reading through the list of apps and find one with good reviews, a reputable app developer, and good security. Some are free and others are paid versions. Maybe someone else will post recommendations based on experience, but this might be a trial & error process where you have to try a few apps and see which one fits your needs (and keeps you customer's data secure). Good luck!
Thank you for welcoming me.
Also, thank you for useful inputs. Honestly, I would never think of searching as "costumer database". Really. I stuck to "personal phone book", "separate phone book" and so on.
These days I tried many of apps within "costumer database/buyers database" and found a few very good ones.
Of course not with the exact capabilities I want to have, but very close to that. I will contact authors if they are able to modify these apps a little bit and sell them.
Again, many thanks for helping me and best regards.