Apple Claimed Only 9 Phones Were Affected by #Bendgate; Here are 300 On Video


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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX

Here's a hilarious video that completely flies in the face of Apple's "spin-doctoring" regarding the #bendgate media frenzy surrounding the iPhone 6 Plus. As a background, Apple claimed only 9 iPhone 6 Plus devices were affected by the bending controversy, yet this video shows 300 different cases culled from around the web.
A friend has a regular iPhone 6 that is bent.

Apple only count the 9 that were not done by trying to world strongest man the phone. :p

300 is still a small amount considering but it is a problem.
Banana Phone... OMG, Hilarious. Now we know there will be LOTS more before this phone is a year old. I am sure my Turbo won't bend that way. Never had a phone bend and don't think I'll ever have one either.

Some of those were just downright ugly bends. Still, who in their right mind carries a phone that big in their front pockets? I mean, it's gotta be awful uncomfortable to bend down or sit while it's in there. I can't imagine the shock of being stabbed in the pelvis by that thing as I forget it's there and sit down. No thanks.

I also never understood the back pocket think either. I look at my wallet and it's curved to the shape of my...well, you know. Do I want to even risk the possibility that placing my phone there would either damage the phone or possibly tear my pocket? No thanks, again.

Now I LOVE to see them sticking out of the womens' bras! LOL!

I also went to my dentist this past week. The woman behind the receptionist desk was wearing a Burka and had this strange "appendage" on her left jaw, making her look like she was the victim of a birth defect or something... As she was taking my information, she suddenly said to someone "I gotta go, I'll call you later.", then she reached up under the Burka and pulled out her iPhone 6.

I wasn't expecting that.
I keep my i6+ in my front pocket during the day and it doesn't stab me. It hasn't bent either. My Note 3 lives in the back pocket and gets sat upon daily. It's a beast.

Maybe it has to do with the type of pants? Mine are loose fitting.

With profiles finally coming to Android phones the fun is going to be settling on one phone for work and play combined.
To be fair, Apple's claim of 9 phones was only about 1 week after it was out. 300 is still and infinitesimally small number out of the 10M+ that have been sold. Final tally will probably run into the thousands - still talking <0.1%...ehhh, call it 5 sigma.
Going to work my phone goes in my briefcase or backpack, whichever one I'm using that day. End of the day, weekends etc I keep my phone in my back pocket but take it out before sitting down. It goes in my front pocket only if I'm walking around Vegas or other similarly busy, unsavory or unknown, towns, places, etc.

S5 tap'n
Going to work my phone goes in my briefcase or backpack, whichever one I'm using that day. End of the day, weekends etc I keep my phone in my back pocket but take it out before sitting down. It goes in my front pocket only if I'm walking around Vegas or other similarly busy, unsavory or unknown, towns, places, etc.

S5 tap'n
All quite reasonable. Just don't forget it's back there!
I remember there was an issue with the Droid X bending when skinny jeans wearing folk sat down with one in their back pocket.