Are signal issues a problem with the Rezound (like the Gnex)?


Feb 17, 2010
Reaction score
As you guys probably know, many of us with the Galaxy Nexus have been plagued with signal issues etc. I'm considering trading my Gnex for a Rezound because I need a phone that is dependable. With my original Droid I never had a single signal issue and it's everyday with my Gnex. I've even have dropped calls and poor phone connection with my Gnex that I never had before with my original Droid.

A friend of mine has the Rezound and he loves it and never has network connectivity issues or problems with calls etc. Are you guys hearing many complaints about poor call quality or signal issues with the Rezound or has it been pretty solid?

It's possible that I got a bad phone, but I only have one chance at trading it in and I don't want to risk getting another Gnex with the same issues.
I have both g-nex&rezound.lam having signal reception issues with g-nex. I like both phones, but if issues are not addressed before my return period, I will send g-nex back. 0 issues with rezound. Hope this helps.
"0" reception issues with my Rezound as well. Had a panic though back when Verizon was having network issues. Thought for a minute it might be the phone. I was happily surprised when I discovered the problem was on their end and not with the phone.

Thanks guys... Grayson I feel the same way, I can't keep the Gnex if it's not reliable. My friend with the Rezound is able to keep a great signal and internet connection all around town and I'm constantly having issues.
My Rezound works perfectly. No issues.

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I have no reception in my home with g-nex. I have owned x x2 thunderbolt g-nex& rezound. Only one that has not got great reception is g- nex. I hope this is a software not hardware issue&it is fixed before Jan15. Having a phone that does not work in my home is a deal breaker for me.
I have no reception in my home with g-nex. I have owned x x2 thunderbolt g-nex& rezound. Only one that has not got great reception is g- nex. I hope this is a software not hardware issue&it is fixed before Jan15. Having a phone that does not work in my home is a deal breaker for me.
same here... i doubt theyll fix it soon enough though. I wish they wouldbecause i love it otherwise. Bad camera and all.
Off topic but does the rezound have a multitasking button like the gnex? Thats my favorite feature.
Off topic but does the rezound have a multitasking button like the gnex? Thats my favorite feature.

that is a feature of Ice Cream Sandwich which the REzound should get in Q1 2012. for now you have the usual hold press on the home button and it will bring up your last used apps. but it's not like the ICS multitasking where you can swipe to close running apps.
No issues here. I see the same signal strength as I do on my flip phone. Though I wish it would flip between 3 and 4g faster

Sent from my Rezound using Droid Forums.
as a comparison, my Incredible could barely get 1 bar at work if I stood on my head wearing a tinfoil hat. My Rezound in the exact same spot get a beautiful signal AND stream perfect 4G!!! I have never had a phone that gets this good reception.

As I said in other posts, I use g-nex& resound and ilike both phones but Iam concerned about the reception on the g-nex. Iam thinking the rezound is the best phone to get out of the box. Iam amazed that I have had not one issue with it. I hope reception issues get addressed with g-nex, but I have reservations about that I use both phones for work & can't have one that does not work . I don't root or mod my phones. I don't think you should have to do this for them to work right.
A number of people who have taken time to test and measure both (me included) have found that the nexus does well in strong signal areas but does poorly when the signal is weak. I couldn't see any difference between the two when measuring dbms in 3g when the signal was strong bit once you got near -97 or so the gnex fell off the cliff and battery life and reception became unworkable. The Rezound performs much better with these signals.

Sent from my HTC Rezound via Tapatalk.
Iam right outside of Charlotte n.c.& have strong 4g in my area. Right now I have no reception on gnex& full reception on rezound. I don't think this is a Verizon issue. I think it is the phone&I have grave concerns over this getting fixed.
Had the nexus, returned it for the rezound. Nexus had too many reception issues. Zero problems with the rezound.

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