Are you regretting the Droid


Jan 8, 2010
Reaction score
Western NY
Before November 2009 most people didn't even know what an Android phone was, I know I didn't. Then the Droid came and with the media blitz VZW has put behind it you can't help but see it everywhere.

Now before people start getting the forum torches and start flaming me let me first state that I LOVE MY DROID. I can't put it down, its like a drug, I feel naked without it. Now had I have know that Android phones would be exploding a few months after I got it I might have held off. I was up on my contract with VZW and had the option to pick up a Droid for $150, so I renewed and got it. One of the best things I ever bought, but like buying a 1st generation of a new car, the next year model will be better. Unfortunatley or fortunatley (depending on how you look at it) a bigger and better phone is always a few months down the road. Unlike the iPhone, which takes a long time to get a new version, Android customers are treated with a plethora of options.

Which makes you wonder "did I make the right choice or should I have waited till a better version came along?"

(that is supposed to say "Should" not "Shopuld", I can't edit the poll)
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There will always be something newer and faster with the rate an pace of development in mobile technology.

That being said I still feel that a rooted and oc'd droid is on par or better than most of the phones that have been released afterward.
I absolutely do not regret purchasing my droid! Like you, I LOVE it. Although newer, better versions may be around the corner, this phone--as Motorola's co-CEO stated--is intended to grow with you. It's something that we all purchased (I did in November), and now has a much larger repertoire of features and capabilities.

Granted, I have my phone rooted (BB), overclocked, with WiFi Tethering, the new Launcher Pro, and dark theme... So, my phone flies, looks great, and is a constant pleasure to use. Just today, sirius released the XM app! I have already been using that constantly.

I can't wait for 2.2 to make this phone even more[ awesome. And when the Droid 2 comes along, I may want to upgrade, but unless there are dramatic improvements in the user-experience offered by future iterations, I will wait until something comes along that really says: "Buy Me Right Now." 4G/WiMax would be a start...

Nonetheless, I LOVE MY DROID. You couldn't pay me to go back to an iPhone, and the new features coming to that OS are impressive, but not enough to make me switch.
Love mine and just got it in February. A buddy of mine has the Incredible and it's a good phone but doesn't make me wish I had one at all. My wife calls my droid my "girlfriend" dancedroid
No offense to the OP, really, but threads like this just crack me up. I mean I'm a mod and I spend more time on the boards then most people so this subject comes up on a fairly regular basis.

After owning a Blackberry Storm and thinking that was the greatest thing since sliced bread, I could never regret the Droid. Heck, I really don't regret the Storm and I'm glad I never became a hardcore fan boy of it.

Yep, as mentioned earlier something is going to come along that's going to be better, and right now that appears to be the Incredible but I'm not jealous, angry or upset. I'm very happy with the Droid, it does everything I want it to do and more.
I love my droid because the droid is the only high-end android device with a keyboard and that my droid can outperform stock nexus one.

The only device im jealous of now is the Evo 3g(the front face camera, 4g speed, and the huge screen) and Nexus One(just because its getting 2.2 first). Other than that the incredible has nothing for me to actually be jealous of. Judging from every 3-d game, that Droid always been more stable on that department. I am a root user and i overclock my droid at 1ghz. I got the app2sd cyangen 5.0.7. And seeing all this spec of the future phone, i got nothing to worry about and by time its time to update around july 2011 that we would start having dual core 1.5ghz LTE android phone. The snapdragon has 1ghz processor with a mid-range GPU while the droid has a midrange processor which has some serious overclocking potential even from spec sheets, with high-range GPU. And also the droid also is far more durable than any of the HTC high-end phones.
im happy with my droid but i wished i didn't do an early upgrade because if i had waited till my actual upgrade time the incredible would have been out or close to being out.

just so you know you can upgrade the primary line every 12 months and get the 2 year price.
Well, I love my Droid, but the next stock Android UI phone that is released on Verizon will probably be my next phone. I just don't like the UIs that other companies have come up with. Sense UI is ok, but if I had to pick a UI that isn't stock it would have to be DarkEdge. :p
Well I'm not big on cell phones but the DROID Incredible got a perfect score from a source I trust so I started looking into it since my contract with AT&T was over in March. Now I wasn't born yesterday so I knew that a successor to the Incredible wouldn't that far off but after all I'm not using the Incredible as a phone, for the most part it's a tool/entertainment device. I'm looking forward to getting it next month. So for now I can't say if I do or don't regret buying it but from every review I've seen I won't.
Yeah, I love my Droid... And like it's been stated previously, something newer and better is right around the corner. I was talking to my sister about her getting an Incredible and then swapping with me... But I think I might have her wait until the Shadow comes out *drool*
No regrets. Best phone i have ever used. I am now a loyal Droid user. I will continue buying and using the future Motorola Droid's that are released.

I will have a Motorola Droid collection

Droid 2
Droid Pro
Droid 3
Droid 4
Droid 5
Droid 6
Droid 7
Droid Pro

ummm....what's this DROID PRO between 2 and 3 :icon_eek: i think yur keeping secrets from me!!

as you would say..... "SWEET JAYSUS!"....

where have you been? It's not a secret. Droid Pro is a world phone but thats all I know right now. Supposed to be a monster though.
Droid Pro

ummm....what's this DROID PRO between 2 and 3 :icon_eek: i think yur keeping secrets from me!!

as you would say..... "SWEET JAYSUS!"....

where have you been? It's not a secret. Droid Pro is a world phone but thats all I know right now. Supposed to be a monster though.

I'm a mushroom, everybody keeps me in the dark on these things. I'll stay with the Droid too, if there is a new one in September I'll get it and I won't worry about something else coming out two months later.
lol scootch over hooky..yur crowdin the mushroom

k off to google droid pro lol