Assign speed dial to D2's physical keys?


New Member
Aug 2, 2011
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One thing I hate about Droid compared to my old BB is how long it takes to pull up a contact and then dial/email/text that contact. Two questions:

1) Is there a way to assign speed dial function to the physical keyboard and access the dial function right from the homepage? (In other words, I would like to wake up my phone and hold a key down and be dialing instantly, without having to open up a dialer or address book program first)

2) Is there a way to look up contacts via physical key board spelling, also from the home screen (again without having to open a dialer or address book program first)

Thanks in advance for any advice from the Droid community!

Hi there,

I can sort of help with your first question. Like you, I liked being able to just press 2 on my old LG not-so-smart phone and have it just call home. I'm not sure how much room you have on your home screens or how many contacts you want to do that for, but there's a Motorola widget called Contact Quick Tasks that will put a little "button" on your home screen. You can do buttons for texting or calling or both. The first time you use the shortcut to make a call, you have to check a box so it'll call without having to hit send, but once that's done, you're on your way to quick calling or texting.

I hope this helps!
