Earlier this week we shared the "thrilling" new fees that Verizon will be tacking on to the most obscure situations imaginable. First, we will sadly report that it looks like that was more than a rumor. Several sources picked up the story, and there is a new confirmation out today for it at Engadget. Fun!
Apparently, AT&T thought Big Red might be a bit lonely in happy-happy-joy-joy-FEE-JOLLY land. They will be announcing a couple of newly increased fees. As you can see in the screen-cap above, starting today, AT&T will be charging a $20 fee instead of the previous $15 new activations and upgrades on BYOD and NEXT plans.
Yay! We get to spend more money for the same thing!
It's too bad this isn't an April Fool's Joke (and that is not sarcasm.)
Thanks for the tip, Anonymous!