Audio static


New Member
Jul 28, 2010
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I bought the Rezound less than a week ago and I'm really loving it, but can't stand the static while listening to music. I have seen the same problem all over the net, but haven't really seen any solutions. I read that the last update was supposed to fix it, but it apparently didn't fix mine. Anyone else still having problems? Should I return the phone when I anticipate the replacement to have the same issue?

Sent from my Rezound using DroidForums
I hear no static what so ever. Have you tried a different pair of headphones?
Yeah, a few different sets.

Sent from my Rezound using DroidForums
Yeah, a few different sets.

Sent from my Rezound using DroidForums

Hmm, maybe I got lucky. Can't really think of anything that you can really do, unless you would like to try a factory reset :\
I would try a reset and if that doesn't work, take it back to Verizon. The latest update was supposed to fix the static/whinning issue although HTC's description doesn't specifically identify that problem. Instead it says 'improved beats audio". Gotta love it when they pretend that repairs are new features.

The problem was fixed for my phone with the update.