Barnacle not working


New Member
Aug 31, 2011
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I used to use Barnacle to Wifi tether my phone and now since I installed Apex, it won't work. Anyone know anything about this, or is there something else I can use to Wifi tether? Here is what it looks like when I run Barnacle

Data network is ready
.ini file prepared
WIFI: driver loaded
DHCP: Could not bind to DHCP port: Address already in use
WIFI: wpa_supplicant started
WIFI: wpa_supplicant connected
Connected to NAT
NAT: restart: Network is down
NAT: waiting for uplink interface
NAT: restarting now

And then it just stays there and my laptop continually tries to connect. Thanks for any help.
there is a patch for that floating around somewhere

you have to flash it via recovery.. but i have no idea where to find it..
ill see if i can upload it
I'm having the same problem, but it's on my Droid 2 and have not installed Apex.

I rooted my phone (correctly, apparently), and Barnacle has asked me for super user permission, which I granted. Barnacle gives me the same showcase of log errors and completions. Barnacle then shows up as a device under my list of potential networks to connect to on my Mac book. When I try to connect to barnacle, my Mac gives me the usual 'cannot-connect' messages as if your router was junk.

Any idea what I can do? I'm on 2.3.3 (Gingerbread) and am looking to successfully tether.

I'm having the exact same problem as you guys.

DHCP: Could not bind to DHCP port: Address already in use

Possible that the default hotspot app in gingerbread interferes with this? Or another wifi tether app?

NAT: restart: Network is down

Taken from another thread:

Baranacle Wifi Settings:
1. Change SSID - [User Preference]
2. Change Channel - 6
3. Custom Wifi Ad-hoc - NONE
4. Skip wpa_supplicant - CHECK
5. Restart Phone As Desired
I was told that as of the 2.3.3 Gingerbread update, wireless tethering isn't functional. I downloaded a free app called PDANet that allows wired tethering though and works great.
Yeah the only problem with pdanet is that you have to upgrade to paid version to access any secure sites. Too bad a custom rom doesn't come with an app to tether pre installed. I miss barnacle

Sent from my DROID2 using DroidForums
Sorry for reviving a dead thread but I was having this problem and wanted to add that I just rooted my first gen Droid X via How to: Root the DROID2, DROIDX2, DROIDX, and DROID3 Running Gingerbread – Droid Life: A Droid Community Blog and didn't seem to have an issue. I then installed barnacle and was able to tether wirelessly to my Xbox 360 for approximately two days. Now today I'm getting the exact same error as the first guy here. Is there something that maybe Verizon saw that I was tethering and blocked me or something? I'm confused.

Additional info:

Droid X (first generation)
System Version: 4.5.605.MB810.Verizon.en.US
Android Version: 2.3.3
Same problem

I am having the same issue. I am looking for the cure. If I find anything, you'll be one of the first to know.
Its an issue with Barnacle. It happens to me on CM7. You can kill Barnacle and try it again but it might take several tries. I use Wifi Tether for Root Users and it never has that problem

Wifi Tether

I downloaded Wifi tether per recommendation from my friend, and I can connect to it as a normal wireless network, but then there is no internet connection. The phone complains and wants me to look up the IP, but there's not really anything I can do to it.
What ROM are you on and what version of Wifi Tether? Have you flashed the TBH tether patch?

I don't know about the ROM (newb x_x), I haven't done the patch, and I'm running version 1.5
I tried the app, and it broadcasted wifi, but then a verizon notice came up and wanted me to pay $20/month and I couldn't use my internet after that. After playing with it, it started working. Apparently if you pull the battery, it resets something so the verizon web page goes away, so I guess that is what did it.

I decided to put a new rom on there, so I put CM7. Now with whatever tether app I use, I can connect to it on my laptop (windows 7), but instead of showing it as a wifi, it has the same symbol as an Ad Hoc network, and it won't connect. I'm assuming it is some setting somewhere that I can't find anywhere, unless I should still do the patch.

Unfortunately there isn't much support for the droid pro with CM7, or any rom in general for that matter.

Back to the thread's topic, barnacle still isn't working x_x
I didn't realize you were on a Droid Pro, this was a DX thread so I assumed you had a DX.

The TBH tether patch is a workaround for the VZW website wall for the DX and it also works on the D2.

CM7 has all the tethering files removed and more. So its the best for tethering. Setup your back button to longpress and kill apps. Then try barnacle if you want and whenever it says NAT down or any red text in the processes, kill it and retry it...
