Basic Calendar Application


New Member
Dec 10, 2009
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I've been looking for a basic Calendar App that allows you assocaite any email address with it and not have to use a GMail address.

I host my own domain for my business. So, I do not wish to use a GMail email address. I currenlty use my godaddy email that is associated with my business along with K9 email on the droid.

I need to be able to receive invites sent from my customers, as they will send them to my godaddy email. I also need to be able to send invites and have them be associated with my godaddy email.

I'm not looking to sync with any remote calendars, just want an independant callendar app on the phone itself that can be associated with any email, not just GMail.
Good luck... I've been crying about this from day one. Waiting and waiting for a good calendar app. Google calendar has so many shortcomings I can not begin to list them.
Yeah, I know I'm not the first one to ask for this.

Everytime I try to post a question about it in one of the forums, all I get are a bunch of google fanboys trying to tell how good the stock calendar is, instead of actually admitting the shortcomings and answering my question as to whether or not a better or alternate calendar exists.

Just wish I had the ability to make my own program.
It's funny they are the same people who make fun of iphone fanboys. Except for the fact the iphone has some really great things about it that we don't. i.e. a good calendar, multi-touch, multiple home screens, etc...

(wait for will see lots of this - "why don't you just go get an iphone then")
For developers out there, I'm willing to throw in some cash to make this thing.
It's funny they are the same people who make fun of iphone fanboys. Except for the fact the iphone has some really great things about it that we don't. i.e. a good calendar, multi-touch, multiple home screens, etc...

(wait for will see lots of this - "why don't you just go get an iphone then")

Well... :)
Guess I'm a Google fanboy then. I've been using Google's calendar for years. I really don't know what else you want for a calendar but I'm sure you have your reasons otherwise you wouldn't be here inquiring again.

What EXACTLY are you missing in the Google Calendar that you want? Maybe if a developer reads this thread they will have a clue.
Hate to burst your bubble, but you bought a Droid ... build on the Android platform, brought to you by GOOGLE.

Fanboy or not, why not move your MX records to Google Apps for domains. (I KNOW THIS IS NOT WHAT YOU WANTED TO HEAR, but it is an option... and free)

So what are your beefs with Google Calendar?

I know it's not perfect and has its quirks, but come on, It's pretty damn good.

If you move MX records to Google Apps for domains, you can then link/share your personal calender with with your google account and use the built in calendar to schedule personal and business appointments. I use this approach for 2 businesses and my personal calander, as well as my wifes calandar.

GoDaddy and Google apps for domains > Link