Battery dies overnight...while off


New Member
Apr 7, 2010
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I just got my two new Motorola Droids :motdroidvert::motdroidvert: almost a month ago and one of them has been having a serious battery issue. I found out about the Droid's battery life being "so-so" to "alright" when the proper apps to kill background applications are set up. But this was no help. I did many experiments on this phone to see what was the problem.

I charged both phones to 100% and switched batteries. In the morning, the phone in question was at 50%, regardless of what battery was in it. So somehow, overnight, while the phone is off, it drains the battery :mad:. My last resort is to do a factory reset, but seeing as it only changes system settings and deletes downloaded apps plus a few others, I don't know what to do.

The other phone works wonderful by the way. :)
My wife had the same problem with hers,Verizon exchanged it and the new one works fine. Mine never had a battery issue