Battery Drain


New Member
Jan 4, 2010
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Greetings, recently my battery is draining fast! Really Fast! I looked through all my apps and made sure that everything is as it should be. I made sure that Navigation wasn't running for some reason, and so on. My phone is also getting very warm, a lot more than it used to. Any thoughts?
Greetings, recently my battery is draining fast! Really Fast! I looked through all my apps and made sure that everything is as it should be. I made sure that Navigation wasn't running for some reason, and so on. My phone is also getting very warm, a lot more than it used to. Any thoughts?


Are you in an area that makes getting a signal difficult? Constantly searching for the network can drain your battery. The warmness makes no difference, anything that causes battery drain will cause it to warm up too.

Here is a trick to try:

Go to settings>wireless&networks>mobile networks>Enable always-on data. Uncheck always on data.

See if things improve.
Greetings, recently my battery is draining fast! Really Fast! I looked through all my apps and made sure that everything is as it should be. I made sure that Navigation wasn't running for some reason, and so on. My phone is also getting very warm, a lot more than it used to. Any thoughts?

Just had this happen this morning. It literally went from full at 8 am to dead at 10:30 am. And HOT!

I bring my phone to work with me every day. It sits in the same place every day. I don't know what variable could have caused this--with the exception of updating one app (Jewels) yesterday afternoon, I have not done anything that I would think could be the culprit.
Do you know what the internal temp of the phone is? If its getting hot, it might be that your battery is the problem, not the programs or applications draining it.
If you look at your battery use and select "Cell Standby", does it say "Time without a signal: 50%"?

If it does, try putting the phone in airplane mode, plug it into the charger for a minute or 2, unplug the phone, and turn off airplane mode.

That seems to be a common problem that is draining people's battery. For some reason after upgrading it got stuck constantly looking for signal.
While I agree the 50% without signal is annoying, the word on the street is it really doesn't affect anything. Reason being, is because it could say 50 percent of the time without signal, and you could have had 2+ bars the whole time. HTC has admitted that the bars and the amount of signal you have are not very accurate, and don't always correlate. Also, if you check your network stregth in your phone, a lot of times when it says 50% WOS, you acutally have a network signal (DBM), even though it says its trying to search.

Check out other peoples forums and you'll notice that the 50%WOS doesn't really do much but be annoying.

BTW, what version are you using? 1.5? 2.1?
I have a similar problem.. I leave my house ta 630.. it is at 90% after slight use when I get to work sat 730.. I leave it in airplane mode all day except for lunch hour, and at 5 when I get off it is usually down to 60%.. and I only use it for slight texting during lunch
I have a similar problem.. I leave my house ta 630.. it is at 90% after slight use when I get to work sat 730.. I leave it in airplane mode all day except for lunch hour, and at 5 when I get off it is usually down to 60%.. and I only use it for slight texting during lunch

Try dimming your screen if you don't need it at full brightness.
I have a similar problem.. I leave my house ta 630.. it is at 90% after slight use when I get to work sat 730.. I leave it in airplane mode all day except for lunch hour, and at 5 when I get off it is usually down to 60%.. and I only use it for slight texting during lunch

Try dimming your screen if you don't need it at full brightness.

I have it on auto brightness.. and during the day the screen is off almost 100% of the time
I have a similar problem.. I leave my house ta 630.. it is at 90% after slight use when I get to work sat 730.. I leave it in airplane mode all day except for lunch hour, and at 5 when I get off it is usually down to 60%.. and I only use it for slight texting during lunch

Try dimming your screen if you don't need it at full brightness.

I have it on auto brightness.. and during the day the screen is off almost 100% of the time

I don't trust auto. I use a market app called Quick Settings to adjust it myself (it has a slider that allows several levels of brightness).
Hmm thanks for the heads up...seeing as display is always the main user of the battery maybe that will help..ill report back this weekend
I switched to Froyo and things seem to be better...the power control widget now has low/user/high/auto so I can use that
Very nice.

Here are some other ways to optimize battery life...

1. Disable auto backlight
2. Disable haptic feedback if you don't need it
3. Make sure your sync for your weather and facebook is not set to a low interval. The shorter the time period, the more your phone is working to update.
4. Watch your running applications. Sometimes, if you don't use the BACK button to exit a application, it will run in the background. HTC made this phone knowing that some things will run in the backround, but you can also force close what you don't want. No need for a task killer, just use applications> running services.
5. Make sure your SMS system isn't keeping your phone from sleeping. You don't want 100% wake time.
6.Turn off screen animations (settings>sound and display>animations)
7.Turn off auto sync for your google accout features (settings>data syncronizatoin>google)

Also, if your in an area with wifi, flip on the wifi and turn of 3g.. not total sure it saves all that much battery, but experiment and see for yourself. And, if you have NO reception, kick it into airplane mode. Atleast you can use the phone for music and games :)
I just went through the same thing. One day, it was fine. Another day, battery dead in 4 hours. I called Verizon and they replaced my phone under warranty. Said it was 90% of the time caused by the connections from the battery to the phone failing. It wouldn't charge. Kept dying. Couldn't hold a charge. Kept dying, etc.

Got my new phone today. Same dead battery charged up in 3 hours to full with NO issue. We'll see how battery life goes tomorrow.

Have you dropped your phone lately? Has it taken a shot? I dropped mine onto carpet from waist high and BAM.

I'll report back tomorrow...