Battery help!


New Member
Mar 28, 2010
Reaction score
I've had my phone now for two weeks. The first week without 2.1, the second with. I can honestly say that the week with 2.1 has drastically reduced my battery life. For example, my battery is currently about to run out with 6hrs 14 secs since last charged. The usage shows:
Display - 47% (was on the second brightest, not brightest)
Voice Calls - 42% (totaling 53 minutes of voice time)
Cell standby - 4%
Android System - 3%
Phone Idle - 3%
Something tells me this isn't right. My GPS, Bluetooth and Wi-fi are always off too.
Any suggestions?
I have the same problem you do. I do not believe that Apollo task killer doubles battery life unless you had something unusual running that any task killer would kill. I tried it. Couldn't tell much of any improvement, if any.

Truth is I do use my phone a lot, at least as much if not more than the iPhone. I've decided to accept the fact that the battery life is very poor on the phone and try to have a recharge option. My brightness is always on minimum, GPS off, WiFi off and I'll hopefully get through the day without a charge but it's usually perilously close to the end.

I've found the battery indicator is not very accurate and you also need to take into account that it's really a 95% indicator since at 5% the phone shuts off automatically.
run task killer?
No need for one. Outside of using them to close the occasional rogue app, there's been zero objective evidence that they increase battery life.

OP, have you made any changes to the phone since 2.1? I know my battery life has dipped slightly, but I'm also now running live wallpaper and the 2.1 news and weather widgets, which I wasn't before.