Battery Issues... Weather Channel??


Jun 29, 2010
Reaction score
Hey all I just got the new Droid X and so far ive liked everything about it, however i just did the update 2 days ago and it seems like my battery is draining quicker than it was prior to the update. now the ONLY change ive made to it in the time since is that ive added the weather channel app to it (i dont have it running as a widget though, just the shortcut to the app).

i like this app cause it gives me an hourly update (being as i live in Tampa, Fl and it goes from sunshine to thunderstorms in 2 minutes flat), but is this the reason my battery seems to be draining noticably quicker?

and if this is the case, is there another app out there that gives a good hourly forecast and doesnt drain the battery as much?
What tweaks did yo do for your display? That can't be stock performance or you never turn your display on. :D

Believe it or not, I have mine set to auto and never screw with it. My display is on a good amount. It's the only way I can see personal emails while at work and I get 40 or so a day.. mostly the wife. During lunch I screw around on the marketplace looking for cool stuff.

I don't understand that battery usage screen. It never adds up to 100%.. It's almost always over 100% which makes zero sense to me.