Battery life issues?


Apr 22, 2010
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Has anyone else had issues with battery life running 2.2? Unfortunately I had to uninstall because of horrible battery life. With lets say a stock rom, I can get about 6-8 hours out of pretty heavy use, (playing solitaire, angry birds, etc while streaming Pandora) yet with Sourcery I was lucky to get 4 hours with light to moderate use. I have cleared battery stats through RZR and gave it a chance through several charge cycles, but it didn't seem to help.

I do get the best battery life out of a stock rom, and I'm fine with sacrificing some, but my battery life with Sourcery is hours worse than I can handle. I decided to uninstall after giving my phone a complete charge, using the phone moderately, but not heavy, with maybe 15-20 minutes worth of radio streaming, light browsing, and a few games of solitaire, and having my battery @ 5% in 2.5 hours.

The only widget I was running was the fancy widget that was pre-loaded on the rom, but I can't see it causing that big of battery issues, especially when my battery life comparison with the stock rom is running a digital clock widget and a seperate weather widget.

I was really digging sourcery, but with the battery life I just couldn't handle it. I also kept getting notifications of an update to 2.1 while running 2.2 even with updates off, but I could handle that.

I'm already thinking about reinstalling and trying again, but wondering if anyone has any tips or anything that might be able to help me actually use my phone for a decent time between charges.
I am running CPU Boost at 800/250. I got the CPU Boost widget and Fancy Widget. I play and use the phone lightly through the day and get about 15 hours average. My best battery life by far were with Sourcery.

For that update notification just disable airmail and would stop.

I set my screen glare to off through the galaxy x power widget. Not sure what else your experiencing, try to check what is running in the BG. I got GV, Whatsapp, and thats about it. You might have things running that may cause this.

Games that use the Touchscreen do eat up a lot of battery but that is not really Rom related.

relating to battery life i have used sourcery or an incarnation of it since last august and have had great battery life have seen others over time say this also but a minority of users and just dont know wht is different for them.

But on a more important issue. i have sourcery on my phone and i cant win a damn fight on the ps3 in fight night online. think gingerbread would help.
since chizzle seems to be the biggest poster here i blame him. :)
Fight night online ahh... i got banned from my PS3 Pro Evolution Soccer online group since last Christmas, and now i took over the support for this "unsupported rom" :icon_eek:

i don't think GB would help btw... i learned the hard way but it wasn't right for me..
I think my cure from Sourceryzem would be the Bionic.

my ps3 name is eaglesourcery is that close enough? :) every other name i tried was taken.

its cool you can take a picture of yuourself and set up markers and it will make the boxer in your likeness. and i know it must work good cause my boxer is an ugly blanker.
Lol... if I recall correctly graphics was your parallel's job.. hey have you done any private upgrades to Sourcery?

Sourcery powerd Droid

Nevermind. Due to a bad headphone jack, weak bluetooth and what seems like a loose contact on the keyboard, I called Verizon and had them send me another refurb phone. I'll save my problems until then. Hopefully it will agree with Sourcery better than this phone does!
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Are they going to send you a D1?

It will be cool to see how Sourcery does installed on a freshly refurbed D1.

It's actually a freshly refurbed D1 that I've been trying it out on. I've had a few problems, but this phone hasn't exactly been problem free with any ROM I've tried in the past week. Of course, my problems could also be related to the fact that I'm having problems with RSD Lite on this computer too and having to use SuperOneClick to root and then ROM Manager from there for the bootloader.

At any rate, the new refurb D1 will be here tomorrow, so we'll see how it goes then.
I thought about getting a refurbed D1. I had all kinds of issues with RSDLite back in the day, and I think I have a really old SBF file.
