Battery Life, slow all around and over hearting?


New Member
Dec 12, 2009
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Okay next problem with my Droid (which I haven't had a lot of problems at all mind you) is for the past 2-3 days my battery life has been draining VERY quickly. Now I'm can admit I text a lot to my friends and all, but my Droid doesn't die quickly when I sent like what 30 texts. It stays alive. But not even texting and it dies in like 2-3 hours. God forbid I text even 10 messages now away from my changer. This happened suddenly mind you while I was in Michigan.

Another thing that has been starting to bug me was the scrolling has slowed down a LOT! It started the same day as the battery life problem. Also typing on the touch screen has slowed down and looking at pictures on my gallery too.

The last thing that started the same day as the battery life problem was my phone started to heat up. I mean it felt like it was over heating. I just laid it next to me while watching a movie and when I touched it again, it was HOT. I turned it off to cool it off but it does get hot again from time to time.

I think all of this is linked to the battery life or something. I have another feeling that it might be an app I downloaded that has done this, mainly Weather Bug. Now I don't download a lot of apps, but I did an update on Weather Bug (I believe, not sure) and then it started with the heating, slow everything and battery life.

Mods, or someone please help me. Do I need to get a battery that has longer life now? Redownload Wearther Bug? Or return the phone for another at Verison.

Granted this is the first time my phone has made me think about returning and getting a new Droid (my sis did it twice X3).

sounds like you have an app constantly running in the background. go to settings, about phone, and look at battery use. you'll probably find what's killing your battery
I shall do that! I'll see if thats the case and if it is I shall post again. But if not...yeah I'll post again X3
What has been using my battery

Android System - 50%
Display - 26%
Antivirus App - 20%
Wi-Fi - 4%
Cell Standby - 2%

Would it be my antivirus that is killing my phone because I downloaded that the first day I got the phone (like in mid december).
get rid of the antivirus app.

antivirus for the Droid is pretty unnecessary as well. Android is based on Linux and plus if you're using your phone like it's supposed to and not clicking unknown links then you'll be fine.
yup the AV apps are destroying the performance on these devices.

As you've already heard GET RID OF IT : )