Battery Life with SetCPU tweaking


Jan 3, 2010
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Just a quick question guys. I'm sure this has been touched on before but I thought maybe I'd start a new thread so we could kind of share our experiences with CPU tweaks and resting battery life.

I've got sholes ROM and I'm running set CPU at various profiles. My current sleep/standby profile is set at 250/125 and I haven't begun to monitor battery life. Any thoughts/experiences that you guys could share?

Thanks, this forum has been very helpful and as always very prompt and precise.
Naturally this can vary widely based upon your use of the phone. It's allowed me to OC to 800Mhz and get more life (so much I'm debating about going to 900 or 950Mhz).

If you don't use your phone that much then it will stay in "sleep" (which I have set and the min 125Mhz) and your batter life will be GREAT. If you use the phone a lot than it will be at the OC speed more so you will get shorter life. The overall consensus, however seems that SetCPU will allow you to OC reasonably (800-900Mhz) while maintaining your Stock battery life.

How are you figuring your battery life improves w/ the 800MHz? I'm NOT doubting you, just wondering :p

Yeah, I mean, I keep it on sleep in my pocket, but have it set at 800/250 right now when in use. I've noticed the heat go way up when it's at 1GHz and I'm running a few apps at once (music playing, web browsing, etc).

How are you figuring your battery life improves w/ the 800MHz? I'm NOT doubting you, just wondering :p

Yeah, I mean, I keep it on sleep in my pocket, but have it set at 800/250 right now when in use. I've noticed the heat go way up when it's at 1GHz and I'm running a few apps at once (music playing, web browsing, etc).

Well before (when it was stock) I would get a normal day (18 hrs) out of, what for me is normal use. Since OCing and using SetCPU I can get 24-36+ out of the same use and the battery is less drained (i.e. higher % still remaining).

24>18 so that means better battery life.

How are you figuring your battery life improves w/ the 800MHz? I'm NOT doubting you, just wondering :p

Yeah, I mean, I keep it on sleep in my pocket, but have it set at 800/250 right now when in use. I've noticed the heat go way up when it's at 1GHz and I'm running a few apps at once (music playing, web browsing, etc).

Well before (when it was stock) I would get a normal day (18 hrs) out of, what for me is normal use. Since OCing and using SetCPU I can get 24-36+ out of the same use and the battery is less drained (i.e. higher % still remaining).

24>18 so that means better battery life.

:) Touche' sir, touche'