Battery on Droid X


Jan 22, 2011
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I have a question in regards to charging the battery on the Droid X. Last night when I went to bed, my battery was at 50%. Should I re-charge it back to 100% or turn off the phone and start the next day with 50% and let it drain and then re-charge it fully?

I normally charge my battery every night, but I dont want to over-charge it and mess up my extended battery.
You don't have to worry about completely draining your battery. Lithium batteries don't have a "memory". I will "bump charge" my battery sometimes during the day, I plug it in every night, and use it as my alarm clock.
these batteries like to stay topped off. after charging to 100% the phone cuts off charging, so when it's plugged in and full it just uses outlet juice for power.

based on what i've heard/read, it's not a good idea to frequently let the battery get very low before recharging, charging habits do affect overall battery life, say instead of 1 year you may get 7-8 months or if you're good with keeping it charged you may get a full year or more.

i'm getting a decent 24-28 hrs of normal use out of mine ...
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just in case you're looking for some facts on the matter, read the info on this page:

How to Prolong Lithium-based Batteries – Battery University

Li-Ion battery life does degrade according to charge cycle habits, etc.

so to say that you will get the same life from a battery that is fully discharged/charged all the time vs. one that is only halfway discharged/charged all the time is not true (look at table 2).
i just came back to a dx from a tbolt an for some reason the batt life on my new dx is amazing, 8hrs 28mins since unplugged and im at 90% with moderate use!! rooted with bloatware freeze and no custom rom :) sorry i had to share my happyness
just in case you're looking for some facts on the matter, read the info on this page:

How to Prolong Lithium-based Batteries – Battery University

Li-Ion battery life does degrade according to charge cycle habits, etc.

so to say that you will get the same life from a battery that is fully discharged/charged all the time vs. one that is only halfway discharged/charged all the time is not true (look at table 2).
Very helpful! I've been getting 24+ hours on a charge with mine but have been trying to let it completely discharge before I plug it up. My last phone's battery bit the dust and wouldn't hold a charge for long so I was assuming letting the battery cycle to the fullest would be best. I won't be doing it too often now though! Thanks! :D