battery overheating

May 29, 2011
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Any one having this issue & is there simple solution? Running stock & Verizon just sent me new phone because they messed up my email. Only had this phone One week. Hate to have to go through getting another phone. Never had this issue before. Thank in advance.
What is the temperature?

There is a free "battery widget" which displays battery power % and can also display the temperature in .C or F.

The point is, just feeling it warm or hot, may not necessarily mean it is getting too hot.
I have owned the resound since it came out & no issues until Verizon screwed up my email about 10 days ago & sent me the new phone. I downloaded the app. You suggested today but I did not have it when phone got very hot to my ear & notification light started blinking green & orange. I also changed out the battery. I don't know what else to do as I don't really want to call them back and get another phone unless that's the only way to go. Thanks.
If you changed out the battery and it stopped happening then it sounds like it was an issue with the battery overheating. Usually you can contact someone about that and get a new one for free...
I have not yet talked on the phone long enough yet to see if it happens again since I changed out the battery last night. I hope you are right about this. Thanks.
The other day I received from a MHL converter to display rezound on my HDTV.
I started playing harry potter 4 movie.

The plus was it worked, but after a while it (perhaps 10 minutes) would stop working right.
I'd unplug it and plug it back into the phone and then it would work again.

Afterwards I noticed that "battery widget" had issued a battery temperature alert.

So, if "battery widget" starts warning you the battery is too hot - then it is too hot.
Mine is set to alert at 118.4 F.

Now I need to figure out of my MHL cable is faulty, or this is just a general problem with the rezound.

My son does something similar with his iPhone-4s with no problems.

I had no problems with the other rezound. I have not been able to duplicate issue since I swapped out the battery. Am keeping my fingers crossed. Grayson.
Good to hear. And I'm sure you know this, but to just to make sure it's clear, a phone will always get a little hot if you talk on it for awhile. Same with games. But I'm pretty sure you're aware of this and the phone seemed abnormally hot, at least hot enough to start a thread. Good luck, hope it works out.
Thank you sir for your time. Just got off phone with Verizon & he told me it was better to be safe than sorry since my 14 day window on getting a new phone runs out this Wed. So they are going to send me a new phone,not what I wanted but he convinced me I would be nuts not do this. Thank you & the other nice people who came to my assistance. Grayson russell.
grayson russell said:
Thank you sir for your time. Just got off phone with Verizon & he told me it was better to be safe than sorry since my 14 day window on getting a new phone runs out this Wed. So they are going to send me a new phone,not what I wanted but he convinced me I would be nuts not do this. Thank you & the other nice people who came to my assistance. Grayson russell.

It is interesting that VZW so willing wants to replace a phone for the slightest issue, yet they claim them to be so expensive. I still think they get them for a lot less than they want you to know.
I think my situation was different because their tech dept. Messed up my email & I had it well documented & the lady with executive services saw this & they did not have a leg to stand on & that's why they agreed to give me a new phone instead of refurbished phone. Regular customer service did try & thats when I got in touch with corporate headquarters in New York. She was very nice about it. Again. Thanks. Grayson.